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colinbjohnson edited this page Jul 16, 2012 · 1 revision

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as-update-launch-config was created to easily modify an Auto Scaling Group's Launch Configuration File.

Example of Use

 as-update-launch-config -a my-scaling-group -i m1.small -u /home/cjohnson/web-server-user-data.txt
 AMI ID ami-e565ba8c will be used for the new Launch Configuration. Note that as-update-launch-config uses Amazon Linux AMIs by default.
 The Auto Scaling Group "my-scaling-group" uses the security group "www"
 The Auto Scaling Group "my-scaling-group" uses the key "prd"
 A new Launch Configuration named "my-scaling-group-2012-05-15-id-1" for Auto Scaling Group "my-scaling-group" will be created  using EC2 Instance Type "m1.small" and AMI "ami-e565ba8c."
 OK-Created launch config
 OK-Updated AutoScalingGroup

the above example would modify the Auto Scaling Group "my-scaling-group" to use an m1.small EC2 Instance Type with the user-data available at /home/cjohnson/web-server-user-data.txt - note that this would also use an Amazon Linux AMI by default. The three parameters -a -i and -u are required for operation, as explained in the section "Required Parameters."

Required Parameters

 as-update-launch-config requires the following three arguments:
 -a <auto-scaling-group-name> - the name of the Auto Scaling Group that you wish to modify.
 -i <instance-type> - the EC Instance Type you wish to switch use - for example -i m1.small would mean all future instances are launched as m1.small EC2 Instances.
 -u <user-data> - path to the user-data file that the Auto Scaling Group's Launch Configuration should use.

Optional Parameters

 -b <bits> if you specify a t1.micro, m1.small, m1.medium or c1.medium EC2 Instance Type you must specify either a 32-bit or 64-bit platform. This parameter is valid only for the t1.micro, m1.small, m1.medium and c1.medium instance types.
 -p <region> - allows you specify the region in which your Auto Scaling Group and Launch Configuration are in.
 -p <preview> - set to "true" if you wish to preview output rather than execute. Useful for testing.
 -s <storage> - set to ebs if you wish to use an EBS backed AMI or s3 if you wish to use an s3 backed AMI. With no input, ebs is selected by default.
 -m <AMI> - allows you specify the AMI that you desire your Auto Scaling Group's Launch Configuration to use.