Use this command to combine multiple Profiles into one Master Profile and apply it to many accounts. This script requires Node.js 12.x or higher, or Docker.
Usage: npx cloudconformity/tools-profile-management apply [options]
Usage: docker run -it --rm node:12.16.3 /usr/local/bin/npx cloudconformity/tools-profile-management apply [options]
-V, --version output the version number
-k, --api-key <API Key> Conformity API key
-d, --debug Enable debug logging
-r, --region <us-west-2|ap-southeast-2|eu-west-1> Conformity service region (default: "us-west-2")
-e, --api-endpoint <Endpoint URL> Optional Conformity API endpoint (overrides region) e.g.
-p, --profiles <Profile IDs> Comma-separated Profile IDs to be applied to accounts
-a, --accounts <Account IDs> Comma-separated Target Account IDs
-n, --notes <Profile Apply Notes> Notes to use when applying Profiles
-m, --master-profile-id <Master Profile ID> Optional Master Profile ID. If not set, a new Master Profile is created.
-h, --help display help for command
npx cloudconformity/tools-profile-management \
apply \
--api-key [REDACTED] \
--api-endpoint \
--accounts uruKXcw7N,wD952RJ9A,T-rxV0lnk \
--profiles F8N3oSAp,S9JmsXT0,QTl39hZK \
--notes "Master Profile applied"
# output:
npx: installed 73 in 15.934s
info: Applying 3 Profiles to 3 Accounts
info: Loading 3 Profiles
info: Merging Profiles
info: Merged 3 Profiles including 529 Rule Settings to a Master Profile including 528 Rule Settings
info: Saving Master Profile
info: Applying Profile [id=za2zTvnQ-] to 3 Accounts
info: Profiles were applied successfully
You can reuse the created Master Profile in subsequent commands by passing its ID in --master-profile-id ...
command-line argument, or from Conformity web interface.