Implementation of a simple FDTD solver, based on Understanding the Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method, John B. Schneider.
Until this package gets registered, open the Julia environment from inside the package folder:
julia --project=.
Until this package gets registered, you cannot simply do pkg> add uFDTD
. Instead, activate your environment and do once per system:
(scratch) pkg> develop --local ~/path/to/uFDTD.jl # (the package, not the file)
using uFDTD
# Define simulation parameters (use many default values, see uFDTDParameters).
sim_params = uFDTDParameters()
# Run simulation.
p0, p1 = uFDTD.simulate(sim_params)
# Display probes.
using GLMakie
# 0D+t probe:
display(GLMakie.Screen(), lines(p0))
# 1D+t probe:
fig2d = Figure()
ax = Axis(fig2d[1, 1])
hm = heatmap!(ax, p1)
Colorbar(fig2d[1, 2], hm)
display(GLMakie.Screen(), fig2d)
(scratch) pkg> test uFDTD
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as our doc builder, please install it first.
(scratch) pkg> add Documenter
Then, build the documentation.
$ cd docs
$ make
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. Visualize it:
$ open docs/build/index.html