Releases: codebaorg/redis-keeper
Releases · codebaorg/redis-keeper
Fix RScriptAsync not executing evalAsync when executing evalShaAsync fails
Fix RScriptAsync not executing evalAsync when executing evalShaAsync fails
- feature: Add pipeline method for bitmap,generic,geo,hash,hyperloglog,list,set,sortedset,string,script
- feature: Add setObjectEx, setObjectEXAsync methods
- refactor: upgrade redisson version from 3.15.5 to 3.35.0
- Support for multiple data source configuration and real-time updates for redis
- Support "read-only", "write-only", "read-write" and "skip" state switching for redis data sources
- Provides 130+ common redis operations, including but not limited to string, list, hash, set, zset, geo, bitmap, hyberloglog, distributed locks, Bloom filters, flow limiting, and so on.