DashboardKit Bootstrap 5 Admin Dashboard Template
Save your development time with ready to use DashboardKit Bootstrap Admin Template. DashboardKit is made for everyone, no matter you are a novice developer, designer, project manager/owner. It is made by an Elite Author with having 5+ years of experience in dashboard making.
Pro version of DashboardKit contains features like 10+ Ready to use layouts, Advance UI compoents, Form components & plugins, Advance Table examples, Chart, 11+ Apps, Extra page, and lots more.
DashboardKit free Bootstrap 5 admin template includes the following feature pages with having MIT license usage.
- Professional UI design
- Bootstrap 5 UI components with Pure Javascript
- Fully Responsive, all modern browser supported
- Gulp/non-Gulp Support
- Flexible & High-Performance code
- Easy Documentation Guide
- Clone from Github - https://github.com/codedthemes/dashboardkit-free-bootstrap-admin-template.git
- Go to root dir
- Run command 'yarn' or 'npm install'
- Run command 'gulp'
DashboardKit documentation helps you out in all aspects from Installation to deployment. Link to access Documentation.
DashboardKit is managed by Team CodedThemes.
Please generate a Github issue if you found a bug in any version. We are trying to be responsive to resolve the issue.
- Licensed cover under MIT
- Website https://dashboardkit.io
- Gumroad https://gumroad.com/dashboardkit
- CodedThemes https://codedthemes.com
- Dribbble https://dribbble.com/codedthemes
- Facebook https://www.facebook.com/codedthemes
- Twitter https://twitter.com/codedthemes
- Create Ticket here: https://codedthemes.support-hub.io/