Combining city data with a list of specific needs from food pantries will allow citizens to most effectively make useful and needed donations assisted by the Pantry Pick-Up App.
Prerequisites: PantryPickup is a node.js app sitting on top of a MongoDB database. The script for initializing the database is written in Python. You'll need to install those three things first. After installing those, you need to initialize your database with the pantries and install any application-specific dependencies.
Starting from the root directory of this project:
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd files
This script has a few dependencies (e.g., pymongo
); install them with pip install -r requirements.txt
Starting from the root directory of this project:
npm install
Starting from the root directory of this project:
npm start
This executes node lib/app.js
. If you're using node-supervisor, node-
inspector, or any other similar tool, you'll want to pass in lib/app.js
as the
entry point into the app.
The default database is mongodb://localhost/pantry_pickup
. To use a different database, run the app with a DATABASE environment variable, e.g.:
DATABASE=mongodb://localhost/other_db node lib/app.js
Or create a config file for your host and add it to your system's gitignore.
If you would like to isolate this project from an existing install, or if you'd prefer not to fiddle with dependencies, you can use Docker to build and run PantryPickup.
Install Docker Toolbox.
If you have never used Docker before, you will need to run:
docker-machine create -d virtualbox dev
docker-machine start dev
From the root directory of this project, run:
eval $(docker-machine env dev)
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
The application should now be running. To view it on OS X:
open http://$(docker-machine ip dev):3001
Where 3001 is the port configured in your config/common.env file. On other platforms, run docker-machine ip dev
to determine the IP address of the VM, then open your browser to http://IP address:3001.
A similar process applies if you want to connect directly to other services. For example, you can connect to the Mongo server from a local Mongo client by running mongo $(docker-machine ip dev)/pantry_pickup
If you think you'll be doing this sort of thing frequently, you can add a hostname to your /etc/hosts file:
echo "$(docker-machine ip dev) docker-dev" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
Once you've done that, you can use docker-dev
wherever you'd use the IP. You can do mongo docker-dev/pantry_pickup
, browse to http://docker-dev:3001/
, etc.
If you want to be able to connect to, e.g., localhost:3001
instead of using the VM's IP address and you're using the VirtualBox driver (the -d
option to docker-machine
), do this:
VBoxManage controlvm dev natpf1 "pantrypickup,tcp,,3001,,3001"
For automated deployments:
add to ~/.ssh/config
#Pantry Pickup
user ubuntu
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/cfb
To deploy
gem install capistrano
gem install capistrano-node-deploy
cap deploy
PantryPickup is a fledgling app at the moment and is definitely welcoming contributions. The best way to contribute right now is to take a look at the open issues and look for something interesting that's not yet assigned to anyone else. Please post a comment on the issue to let us know you're interested, and then [fork the repository]( request/).
If you have any questions at all, please get in touch with us.