Get feeds from different social networks in a unified format
Use composer: composer require codeurs/social-feed
- Get the most recent posts of a user
- Get a specific item based on an ID
- Implemented media: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram
- Returns items in simple format
- Gets information (id, service, thumbnail) on attached video/images from: youtube, vine, instagram, vimeo
- Get an id from an url of a post
$feed = new SocialFeed();
// Input api credentials
'app_id' => '__',
'app_secret' => '__'
// Get all recent posts for user ''
$data = $feed->facebook->getFeed('');
foreach ($data as $item) {
// ...
// Get a single facebook post
$item = $feed->facebook->getItem('646338148755451_704084252980840');
// Get an id or item from a facebook url
$id = $feed->facebook->getIdFromUrl('');
$item = $feed->facebook->getItemFromUrl('');
Output returns the following format (as a php object; printed as json for readability):
"service": "facebook",
"text": "Example.",
"link": "",
"id": "_",
"created": 1428764403,
"user": {
"id": "_",
"image": "",
"name": "_",
"handle": null,
"link": ""
"media": {
"image": "",
"video": null
If a video is present, information will be available in
"image": null,
"video": {
"service": "youtube",
"id": "_",
"image": ""
The following credentials are needed depending on the medium:
- Facebook: app_id, app_secret
- Twitter: consumer_key, consumer_secret, access_token, access_token_secret
- Instagram: client_id, client_secret