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  1. Install freesurfer and mne onto your ubuntu a. make sure that you change your freesurfer environment variables to the folders you want them to be (on the shared drive between the linux distrib and the PC) Example: export FREESURFER_HOME=/share/freesurfer export SUBJECTS_DIR=$FREESURFER_HOME/subjects source $FREESURFER_HOME/ Recomended - Select Shared or Box Folder

  2. Install Xserver follow this website: _______

  3. install anaconda-navigator or conda onto your linux distrib

  4. Activate mne (conda activat mne)

  5. open the gui for the navigator

  6. switch to the MNE driver

  7. open spyder and a jupyter qt console

  8. open a second Linux distrib to do coregistration

  9. copy and paste all code from document into jupyter qt console

  10. type %matplotlib qt --> allows for graphs to display

  11. get environment variables so mne can work with yout FreeSurfer data a. FREESURFER_HOME = os.getenv('FREESURFER_HOME') b. SUBJECTS_DIR = os.getenv('SUBJECTS_DIR')

  12. for 3D plotting do the following: a. mne.viz.set_3d_backend('pyvista') b. Export MNE_3D_OPTION_ANTIALIAS=false OR mne.viz.set_3d_options(antialias=False) Turns antialiasing

'E15','E16','E18','E20','E25','E35' - best


  1. Given your specific subject, create 2 new folders in their sub folder: Digitization - used for Localization Epochs - used for making the BEM

CLEAN DATA: check out make_montage and change what files you traverse to based on your user and file structure

1. find Montage file (captrak) and load in EEG data and align it to correct channels
montage, raw = make_montage()

2. Common Average Reference and select noisy channels
raw2 = set_data(raw, montage) #common average reference

3. Save Captrak file to raw EEG file and then save it as a .fif'/mnt/d/Aidan/' + patient + '/Digitization') / 'Captrak_Digitization.fif', overwrite = True)

4. Check to see if you chose the right channels
epochs = erp(raw2, montage)

5. Run autorejection algorithms to detect noisy correlated epochs
epochs_ar = autorej(epochs)

6. Run an ICA on the autorejection data
ica = ICA_auto_rej(epochs_ar)
ica.plot_sources(raw2, show_scrollbars=True)     # to plot ICA vs time

7. Remove ICA channels that correspond to artifacts
ica.exclude = [0,1,2,5] # MANUAL INPUT

8. Identify channels correlated with EOG data and remove them
reconst_evoked, reconst_raw = EOG_check_ar(epochs_ar, ica)

9. save cleaned file as evoked data to correct folder
mne.write_evokeds('/mnt/d/Aidan/Grand_Averages/Epochs/' + subj + '_raw_for_ave.fif', reconst_evoked) #to do co-registration, have to do file path so gui.coreg can take as input

10. save raw file
cd grand_averages
cd epochs + '_reconst_raw.fif')
cd ..
cd ..

Coregistration: to create a epochs_for_source_epo.fif file you first need to run covariance() 1. in qtconsole generate a bem epoch_data = '/mnt/d/'INSERT USERNAME'/'INSERT PATIENT OR SUBJECT'/Epochs/epochs_for_source_epo.fif' i.e. epoch_data = '/mnt/d/Aidan/E46/Epochs/epochs_for_source_epo.fif'

	epoch_info =

	mne.bem.make_watershed_bem(subject=subj, subjects_dir=SUBJECTS_DIR, overwrite=True, volume='T1')
2. Display bem
	mne.viz.plot_bem(subject = subj, subjects_dir = SUBJECTS_DIR, orientation = 'coronal')
3. Double Check your file has fiducials
	mne.coreg.get_mni_fiducials(subj, SUBJECTS_DIR)
4.Now open a new Ubuntu command line and activate mne
		conda activate mne

5. Perform Coregistration
		type mne coreg into your Linux distribution
	make sure your digitization bem files are the same
	then click where your fiducials should be
	then hit fit fiducials

6. save the Coregistration data as a trans.fif file
	hit the button on the coregistration gui (bottom right)

Localization: (you can do this half of the pipeline with epoched or evoked data, I used evoked)

1. generate Noise covariance and baseline evoked data
		noise_cov, fig_cov, fig_spectra, evoked = covariance(reconst_raw)
		- you can read in the raw:
			reconst_raw ='/mnt/d/Aidan/Grand_Averages/Epochs/' + subj + '_reconst_raw.fif')

2. double check your patient is your current subject: i.e. E46

3. define a path to traverse to your subjects given digitization info
	data_path = '/mnt/d/Aidan/' + subj + '/Digitization'

4. save your digitization data to a specific variable
	data = pathlib.Path(data_path) / 'Captrak_Digitization.fif'

5. read in that data from the file
	a. use baseline evoked
		info =
	b. or use the evoked data you have already generated
		info =
	c. or read in cleaned evoked
		reconst_evoked = mne.read_evokeds('/mnt/d/Aidan/Grand_Averages/Epochs/' + subj + '_raw_for_ave.fif')
		info = reconst_evoked[0].info
6. read in your coregistration data
	trans = pathlib.Path(data_path)/ (subj + '-trans.fif')
	a. if your subjects MRI wasn't done correctly and you used the fsaverage brain
		trans = pathlib.Path(data_path)/ ('fsaverage-trans.fif')

7. plot your coregistration data just to double check
	fig = mne.viz.plot_alignment(info=info, trans=trans, subject=patient, subjects_dir=SUBJECTS_DIR, dig=True, verbose=True)

8. compute your space (2D) - oct4, oct5 or oct6 are recommended (these determine the number of sources), you can also change the 'conductance' (then save to the correct folder of your choice) 
	src = mne.setup_source_space(subject=subj, spacing='oct5', subjects_dir = SUBJECTS_DIR)
	cd Patient_SRC + '-src.fif',overwrite = True)
	cd ..		
	a. or read it in
		src= mne.read_source_spaces('/mnt/d/Aidan/Patient_SRC/' + subj+ '-src.fif')

9. you can now display this alignment as well with your coregistration
	mne.viz.plot_alignment(info=info, trans=trans, subject=subj, src=src, subjects_dir=SUBJECTS_DIR, dig=True)

10. Generate a BEM model
	model = mne.make_bem_model(subject=subj, subjects_dir=SUBJECTS_DIR)
	a. if you use the fsaverage brain
		model = mne.make_bem_model(subject='fsaverage', subjects_dir=SUBJECTS_DIR)

11. Create a BEM 'solution'
		*note* this takes a while
	a. or load it in
		bem_sol = mne.read_bem_solution('/mnt/d/Aidan/' + subj+ '/Digitization/' + subj+ '_bem.fif')

12. Create a forward solution(mindist = ignore elcetrodes minimum distance from skull, n_jobs =  of jobs to run in parallel when computing, ignore_ref=True  can be used to ignore reference electrode (Common Average Reference))
	fwd = mne.make_forward_solution(info, trans=trans, src=src, bem=bem_sol, meg=False, eeg=True, n_jobs=1) # mindist=5.0,

13. save your bem, and fwd solutions
	bem_fname = pathlib.Path(data_path)/ 'E46_bem.fif'
	mne.bem.write_bem_solution(bem_fname, bem_sol, overwrite = True)
	fwd_fname = pathlib.Path(data_path)/'E46_fwd_soln.fif'
	mne.write_forward_solution(fwd_fname, fwd, overwrite=True)

14. Create inverse operator (optional variables: loose=?, depth=?)
	inv = mne.minimum_norm.make_inverse_operator(info, fwd, noise_cov)
		- Loose = the spread of the signal across the brain (horizantal neurons --> not pyramidal)
		- depth (only signif. if for not eloreta)

15. determine SNR so you can set LAMBDA when applying inverse
	mne.viz.plot_snr_estimate(reconst_evoked, inv)
	snr, snr_est = estimate_snr(reconst_evoked,inv)

16. Now apply the inverse operator to gain your Inverse Solution, (recommended method = 'sLORETA' or 'eLORETA')
		- set lambda = 1/SNR^2
	stc = mne.minimum_norm.apply_inverse(reconst_evoked, inv, method = 'eLORETA', lambda2 = 0.1111111111111111111111111111111)
	a. if you loaded in your reconst_evoked
		stc = mne.minimum_norm.apply_inverse(reconst_evoked[0], inv, method = 'eLORETA')

17. plotting source space EEG SNR overtime
	snr_stc = stc.estimate_snr(, fwd, noise_cov)
	snr_stc.plot(hemi = 'both',smoothing_steps = 5, surface = 'pial')
	snr_stc = stc.estimate_snr(reconst_evoked[0].info, fwd, noise_cov)
	ave = np.mean(, axis=0)

	plt.pyplot.plot(reconst_evoked.times, ave)
	#ax.plot(reconst_evoked[0].times, ave)
	#ax.set(xlabel='Time (sec)', ylabel='SNR MEG-EEG')

Plotting: 1. Plot the inverse solution brain = stc.plot() 2. Use this variable to fine tune your plots surface_kwargs = dict(hemi = 'both', surface='inflated', subjects_dir = SUBJECTS_DIR, clim=dict(kind='value', lims=[3.5e-11, 6e-11, 8e-11]), views='lateral', initial_time=0.19, time_unit='s', size=(800,800), smoothing_steps=5) 'surface' --> determines what parts of the brain will be viewed ('white', 'pial', 'inflated') 'lims' --> dictionary of bounds of amplitude activation 'hemi' --> which hemisphere are you viewing

3. replot
	brain = stc.plot(**surface_kwargs)
	stc.plot(hemi = 'split',smoothing_steps = 5, surface = 'pial')  # hemi = 'both'
4. save
	cd *insert subject file name*'base_stc')
	cd ..

--------------------- NEW SOL - Fsaverage MORPH -------------------

  1. Load in the src, stc and fsa_src #current_src = mne.read_source_spaces('/mnt/d/Aidan/Patient_src/' + subj + '-src.fif') fsa_src = mne.read_source_spaces(SUBJECTS_DIR + '/fsaverage/bem/fsaverage-ico-5-src.fif') #stc_path ='/mnt/d/Aidan/' + subj + '/' #stc_current = mne.source_estimate.read_source_estimate(stc_path)

  2. Morph the stc to fsa space #indepth - stc_morph_fsa = mne.compute_source_morph(current_src, subject_from=subj, subject_to='fsaverage', subjects_dir=SUBJECTS_DIR, zooms='auto', niter_affine=(100, 100, 10), niter_sdr=(5, 5, 3), spacing=5, smooth=None, warn=True, xhemi=False, sparse=False, src_to=fsa_src, precompute=False, verbose=False) #fwdsoln - stc_morph_fsa = mne.compute_source_morph(current_src, subject_from=subj, subject_to='fsaverage', subjects_dir=SUBJECTS_DIR, src_to=fwd[fsa_src]) #best - stc_morph_fsa = mne.compute_source_morph(src, subject_from=subj, subject_to='fsaverage', subjects_dir=SUBJECTS_DIR, src_to=fsa_src)

  3. apply the stc
    stc_final = stc_morph_fsa.apply(stc) #stc_current

  4. plot the morphed stcf stc_final.plot(hemi = 'split',smoothing_steps = 5, surface = 'pial')

  5. Save the morphed STC cd Grand_averages cd Source_estimates '_stc')

--- If you decide to read in data individually, re-do the pipeline ---

  • read bem solution bem_sol = mne.read_bem_solution('/mnt/d/Aidan/' + subj+ '/Digitization/' + subj+ '_bem.fif')
  • read reconst_evoked reconst_evoked = mne.read_evoked info =
  • read trans trans = mne.read_trans('/mnt/d/Aidan/' + patient + '/Digitization/' + subj+ '-trans.fif')

fwd_morph = mne.make_forward_solution(info, trans=trans, src=src_morph_fsa, bem=bem_sol, meg=False, eeg=True, mindist=5.0, n_jobs=1) inv_morph = mne.minimum_norm.make_inverse_operator(info, fwd_morph, noise_cov) stc_morph = mne.minimum_norm.apply_inverse(reconst_evoked, inv_morph, method = 'eLORETA')

-- getting the ISI and jitter ----

time_events = mne.events_from_annotations(raw) dif = 0 max_dif = 0 min_dif = 0 dif_total = 0 holder = 0 prev = 0 average_dif = 0 current = 0 for i in range (1,201): if (time_events[0])[i][2] < 3: if prev == 0: prev = time_events[0][i][0] holder = 1 elif i == 200: current = time_events[0][i][0] dif = current-prev dif_total = dif + dif_total average_dif = dif_total/i
elif holder == 1: if dif == 0: current = time_events[0][i][0] dif = current-prev dif_total = dif + dif_total max_dif = dif min_dif = dif prev = current print('banana') else: current = time_events[0][i][0] dif = current-prev dif_total = dif + dif_total prev = current if dif > max_dif: if dif > max_dif*2: print(i) else: max_dif = dif elif dif < min_dif: min_dif = dif print(max_dif) print(min_dif) print(average_dif)