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Running tapiriik locally

Martin Alvarez-Espinar edited this page Nov 4, 2017 · 16 revisions

(the cool-kids way)

Want to run tapiriik without Vagrant?


  1. Check out the tapiriik repo (the compressed archive will not do)
  2. From the repo root, run vagrant up
  3. Wait while a few hundred megabytes of virtual machine goodness is downloaded
  4. Take some time to customize the file created in tapiriik/. You'll need to fill in the API keys for services you wish to connect to.


  1. Start the Django development server

    vagrant ssh
    python /vagrant/ runserver
  2. Marvel at your shiny new instance of tapiriik available at http://localhost:8000

  3. If you want to run synchronizations, you'll need to run a synchronization worker:

    vagrant ssh
    cd /vagrant/
    python ./

and a synchronization scheduler: vagrant ssh cd /vagrant/ python ./


Timezone database initialization

While synchronization is possible without the timezone database being populated, there may be errors in synchronized activities' times. Follow the instructions in to populate the database.

Notes on running locally

  • The built-in diagnostics area has a bunch of useful tools for administrating your local copy of tapiriik. I will leave the discovery of the various functionality as an exercise for the reader.
  • To get your user ID, shift-click on the tapiriik logo, or click the email link at the bottom of the page (just like the production site, you have to be connected to >=1 service). You can use this to check out details of your specific account by visiting localhost:8000/diagnostics/user/YOUR_USER_ID
  • Automatic synchronization is currently tied to the payment subsystem - just head to auth/ and make HasActivePayment(user) always return True
  • You'll need to change the Strava OAuth return URL (the redirect_uri parameter of UserAuthorizationURL in to match what your API credentials are set up for. Unfortunately (last time I checked) they don't allow localhost, so you may need to send the OAuth return to a different URL and manually replay said request against localhost.
  • In case of using the Dropbox service, you'll need to create and set up a new app within the Dropbox developers area (Folder to access just a folder, Full to be able to change working folder). In OAuth2, you'll need to configure the redirect URI for Dropbox to know how to continue the authentication process: http://localhost:8000/auth/return/dropbox/normal(for Folder) and http://localhost:8000/auth/return/dropbox/full (for Full).

Why does Service X appear/not appear when running locally?

  • Some services are in the codebase but hidden on because they are incomplete or not currently functional.
  • Some sites require that I not make their integration code open-source (they live in the private.tapiriik... modules). If you wish to integrate with these services, please contact them directly.