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Fabric task generator for AWS CloudFormation

A Python library that generates Fabric tasks to manipulate the stack of AWS CloudFormation.

You will be able to manipulate the CloudFormation stack with the CUI.

$ fab list_stacks
| StackAlias | StackName            |      Status     | DriftStatus |           CreatedTime            | UpdatedTime | Description |
| foo        | fabricawscfn-dev-foo | CREATE_COMPLETE |   DRIFTED   | 2017-03-05 04:35:12.823000+00:00 |      -      | Foo bucket. |
| bar        | fabricawscfn-dev-bar |   Not created   |     -       |                -                 |      -      | -           |



‼️‼️No plans to support Python 3.x and Fabric 2.x for the following reasons.‼️‼️

  • Could not keep concept and compatibility.
  • Keyword args can not be use for task parameter.

Recommended to switch Python environment using pyenv etc.


Install fabricawscfn (and Dependencies) via pip.

pip install fabricawscfn


pip install git+


pip install fabricawscfn -U


pip install git+ -U


pip uninstall fabricawscfn


Local directory and file structure example.
  - foo.yaml
  - subdir/
    - bar.yaml

See Example


  • Create S3 bucket for store CloudFormation templates.

2.Import Fabric AWS CloudFormation.

Import fabricawscfn in your

from fabricawscfn import *

3.Define stacks and generate Fabric tasks.

StackGroup('my-cfn-templates', 'example', 'templates')\
  .define_stack('foo', 'example-foo', 'foo.yaml')\
  .define_stack('bar', 'example-bar', 'subdir/bar.yaml', Tags=[{'Key':'example', 'Value':'EXAMPLE'}])\

3-1.Create StackGroup

Instantiate StackGroup.

  • Parameters.

    • templates_s3_bucket - Prepared S3 bucket name.
    • templates_s3_prefix - Prefix(Folder) name in prepared S3 bucket. CloudFormation templates store in.
    • templates_local_dir - OPTIONAL: Local dir(relative path) where CloudFormation template(s) location.
  • templates_s3_bucket and templates_s3_refix can contains placeholder(Like this foo-%(environment)s). Replace by Fabric env.

  • OPTIONAL: You can specify default AWS region and account if necessary.

    • Default, use AWS credentials default profile.
    • You can override it, use region and account task.

3-2.Define Stack

Define Stack(s) using StackGroup#define_stack().

  • Parameters.

    • alias - Alias(Short name) of Stack. This name using task parameter.
    • stack_name - CloudFormation Stack name.
    • template_path - Template file path.(Relative path from templates_local_dir)
    • **kwargs - OPTIONAL: Additional arguments for Create/Update/Delete stack. See Boto3 reference.
      • If you want to set default stack arguments for all stacks, using StackGroup#default_stack_args().
  • stack_name can contains placeholder(Like this foo-%(environment)s). Replace by Fabric env.

3-3.Generate Task

Generate Fabric tasks using StackGroup#generate_task().

  • Parameters.
    • namespace - Generated tasks added to this namespace. Normaly specify globals().


You can check generated tasks run fab -l command.

$ fab -l

Example using fabricawscfn.

Available commands:

    account            Set AWS account. (Default use AWS credentials default ...
    console            Open AWS Console on your default Web browser.
    create_bar         create stack bar.
    create_foo         create stack foo.
    delete_bar         delete stack bar.
    delete_foo         delete stack foo.
    desc_stack         Describe existing stack.
    detect_drift       List detected drifts. (Different resource property between Stack and Actual resource).
    dryrun             Turn on DRY-RUN mode for create_xxx, update_xxx task.
    env_on             Set environment.(Default dev)
    list_exports       List exports.
    list_resources     List existing stack resources.
    list_stacks        List stacks.
    params             Set parameters. (Applies to all tasks)
    profile            Set AWS Profile. (Default use AWS credentials default profile)
    region             Set AWS Region. (Default use AWS credentials default p...
    sync_templates     Synchronize templates local dir to S3 bucket.
    update_bar         update stack bar.
    update_foo         update stack foo.
    validate_template  Validate template on local dir.


Show available all tasks run fab -l, and more detail fab -d [TASK_NAME].

Basic Tasks.


Show stacks list.

$ fab list_stacks
| StackAlias | StackName            |      Status     | DriftStatus |           CreatedTime            | UpdatedTime | Description |
| foo        | fabricawscfn-dev-foo | CREATE_COMPLETE |   DRIFTED   | 2017-03-05 04:35:12.823000+00:00 |      -      | Foo bucket. |
| bar        | fabricawscfn-dev-bar |   Not created   |     -       |                -                 |      -      | -           |

desc_stack:[StackAlias or StackName]

Show stack detail.

$ fab desc_stack:foo
| StackName            |      Status     | DriftStatus |           CreatedTime            | UpdatedTime |        DriftDetectedTime         | Description |
| fabricawscfn-dev-foo | CREATE_COMPLETE |   DRIFTED   | 2017-03-05 04:35:12.823000+00:00 |      -      | 2017-03-05 04:35:12.823000+00:00 | Foo bucket. |
| Key     | Value  |
| Param4  | PARAM4 |
| Param3  | PARAM3 |
| Param2  | PARAM2 |
| Param1  | PARAM1 |
| EnvName | dev    |
| Key    | Value           | Description |
| Bucket | sandbox-dev-foo | Foo bucket. |
Events(last 20):
| Timestamp                        |       Status       | Type                       | LogicalID            | StatusReason                |
| 2017-03-05 04:35:55.694000+00:00 |  CREATE_COMPLETE   | AWS::CloudFormation::Stack | fabricawscfn-dev-foo |                             |
| 2017-03-05 04:35:53.009000+00:00 |  CREATE_COMPLETE   | AWS::S3::Bucket            | Bucket               |                             |
| 2017-03-05 04:35:32.308000+00:00 | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS | AWS::S3::Bucket            | Bucket               | Resource creation Initiated |
| 2017-03-05 04:35:31.102000+00:00 | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS | AWS::S3::Bucket            | Bucket               |                             |
| 2017-03-05 04:35:12.823000+00:00 | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS | AWS::CloudFormation::Stack | fabricawscfn-dev-foo | User Initiated              |


Validate CloudFormation template.

$ fab validate_template:bar
Validating template templates/subdir/bar.yaml...
[localhost] local: aws cloudformation validate-template --template-body file://templates/subdir/bar.yaml --output table
|                         ValidateTemplate                         |
|  Description                   |  Bar bucket.                    |
||                           Parameters                           ||
|| DefaultValue |     Description      | NoEcho  | ParameterKey   ||
||  dev         |  Environmanet name.  |  False  |  EnvName       ||


Upload CloudFormation templates to S3 bucket.

$ fab sync_templates
Synchronizing templates local templates to s3://crossroad0201-fabricawscfn/example/dev...
[localhost] local: aws s3 sync templates s3://crossroad0201-fabricawscfn/example/dev --delete --include "*.yaml"
upload: templates\foo.yaml to s3://crossroad0201-fabricawscfn/example/dev/foo.yaml


Create new stack.

You can specify Stack parameter(s) via task parameter (Like this $ fab create_xxx:Param1=PARAM1,Param2=PARAM2).

If parameters are not specified by task parameter, prompt will be displayed and input will be prompted.

$ fab create_bar
Creating stack...
  Stack Name: fabricawscfn-dev-bar
  Template  :
  Parameters: [{'ParameterValue': 'dev', 'ParameterKey': 'EnvName'}]
Waiting for complete...

Optional Tasks

profile, region and account

Specify AWS profile, region and account.
If not specified, use AWS credentials default profile.

$ fab profile:your-profile create_xxxx
$ fab region:us-west-2 create_xxxx
$ fab account:ACCESS_KEY_ID,SECRET_ACCESS_KEY create_xxxx


Specify Stack parameters bulkly.

$ fab params:Param1=PARAM1,Param2=PARAM2 create_xxxx create_yyyy


Turn on DRY-RUN mode, on create / update stack. DRY-RUN mode is create Change Set and show it.

$ fab dryrun:show_details create_xxxx update_yyyy

One liner

fab params:Param1=PARAM1,Param2=PARAM2 sync_templates create_xxxx create_yyyy list_stacks list_resources list_exports


Using confirmation at task execution

  • Enable confirmation using StackGroup#need_confirm().
  .need_confirm('Execute task?')
  • Run with confirmation.
$ fab update_bar delete_foo
Execute task? [y/N]
  • Using force task to execute task without confirmation.
$ fab force update_bar delete_foo

Usage see example/

Change log

2018/11/15 - Ver.0.1.3

  • [FIX] Fix KeyError at describe_stack task if detected drift does not exists.

2018/11/14 - Ver.0.1.2

  • [UPDATE] Supports drift detection .
    • Added detect_drift task.
    • Show detect status on list_stacks and describe_stack tasks.

2018/09/27 - Ver.0.1.1

  • [UPDATE] If environment variable AWS_PROFILE is set, use it.

2018/09/06 - Ver.0.1.0

  • [FIX] Specified Account/Profile/Region are not used on sync_templates task.


  • [NEW] Supported confirmation at execute some tasks.(Synchronize templates, Update/Delete stack)


  • [FIX] ls_stacks does not show all stacks.
  • [FIX] ls_resources does not show all resources.


  • [NEW] Add profile task. Specify AWS profile.
  • [NEW] Provide task alias.


  • [NEW] Add account and region task. Specify AWS account, region.


  • [NEW] Add dryrun task.