The scripts are presented to reproduce all results in the paper titled: "SARS-CoV-2 RBD deep mutational AlphaFold2 structures carry phenotypic information"
- wuahn
- alpha
- beta
- delta
- eta
- omicron_ba1
- omicron_ba2
- wuahn
- alpha
- beta
- delta
- eta
- omicron_ba1
- omicron_ba2
Validation of local structural distortion: Visualizing structural distortion on mutation (mutation-distortion maps).
We investigate the mean distortion in distance each amino acid has for each each structure created. We observe that every mutation at a given position corresponds to a structural distortion at that position as well as some others in the structure.
cd wuhan_generalization_experiments
Here we investigate how pLDDT (b-factor) output of the AF2 files correlate with state-of-the-art disorder estimations.
We see a direct correlation between RMSD values in the 3D space and rotation invariant adjacency matrix space.
Using the Bloom et al antibody escape calculator, we observe structural distortion correlates with antibody escape.