Build a single-page application which displays a dashboard presenting statistic data according to specific an article or a content editor. The data analysis focused on all revision records generated by various types of users such as bots, general users. A local cache should be implemented to make use of to avoid frequent communication with Wikipedia API.
Javascript only with MongoDB.
USYD 2017S1 COMP 5347 Assignment 2
- Create an empty database on mongodb called comp5347
- Prepare test dataset under the root directory of the code like “code/revisions”
- Fix dirName to the dataset folder name in db_init.js script
- Run data initial script on the root directory of the code like “node db_tools/db_init.js”
- Run application start script on the root directory of the code like “node db_tools/db_init.js”
- Open page of localhost:3000 on local browser (The default port is 3000)