This repository contains the open-source implementation of the localisation method for forest environments published in RAL 2023:
We presented a collaborative localisation framework that matches an Above Canopy Map (ACM) (captures height information) collected from aerial lidar scans, as a reference map, with Under Canopy Maps (UCM) constructed from sensed trees (positions and crown heights) using mobile lidar data from the ground robot system. Experimental evaluation on distinct forest environments and platforms demonstrated the method is effective in geo-localising robots with low position errors.
- Obtain the Above Canopy Map (ACM): Heightmap constructed from aerial lidar data
- Tree detection and estimation of position and crown height to construct the local Under Canopy Maps (UCM)
- Map Matching between the ACM and UCMs using the SSD similarity measure
- Monte Carlo Localisation implementation to estimate the robot positions using the Map Matching scores and the robot's motion model
Install the following packages (dependencies) to build this project:
Install the following ROS packages (dependencies) to build this project:
- Install the robot-localization ros package
sudo apt-get install -y ros-noetic-robot-localization
Many dependencies such as (tf2, tf2_ros, geometry_msgs, sensor_msgs, etc) will be installed along with the robot-localization.
- Install other ros package dependencies:
sudo apt-get install -y ros-noetic-pcl-ros
sudo apt-get install -y ros-noetic-cv-bridge
- Install linefit_ground_segmentation ros package
Clone and install the project:
git clone
catkin build pfilter_localization
- Download the dataset from: Forest Localisation Dataset
- Copy the dataset folder
to the project folder(your_catkin_ws)/forest_localisation/datasets/
Launch the main node:
roslaunch forest_localisation pfilter.launch
Launch the rviz nodes for visualisation:
roslaunch forest_localisation pfilter_rviz.launch
To visualise the ACM and UCM images, launch the ROS rqt_image_vew node:
then, select the topic /map_local_images
for visualisation.
Play the rosbag file:
cd (you_catkin_ws)/forest_localisation/datasets/forestI/
rosbag play forestI.bag
The parameters are set in the /config/forestI_config.yaml
file. Please refer to the file for more details.
If you use any of this code and/or find this work helpful to your research, please cite:
author={de Lima, Lucas Carvalho and Ramezani, Milad and Borges, Paulo and Brünig, Michael},
journal={IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters},
title={Air-Ground Collaborative Localisation in Forests Using Lidar Canopy Maps},
Functions or code snippets from 3rd party have been acknowledged at the respective function definitions.
For questions or feedback: