yarn watch
or yarn start
to start node server at localhost:3000
The purpose of the widget folder is to generate a script which can be embedded anywhere to be used with generated code like
<script src="https://formcrow.com/widget/formcrow.js">
<form-crow query="Turn down for what?" /></form-crow>
Run yarn widget-watch
to watch or yarn compile-widget
to compile the Vue app into a new custom component javascript file.
The widget is customizable by passing in props. The main props will be:
- id="form-id-generated-at-creation"
- query="The question the form will ask"
- prime_color="#xxxxxx" //The base color that will be used to build the css design
If further CSS customization is needed, the end user can use specificity to apply their own css properties. the id #formcrow has been left alone so any styles starting with the widget ID will overwrite regular widget styles.
- Add SASS Compiling -- Now removed
- Masking or auto formatting on contact form
- Write form post event
- Fix auto-submit logic
- Theme color implementation
- Widget needs form ID as a prop
- Error codes
- Determine if user color is light or dark
- Zapier integrations
- Bcrypt password hashing
- Document Controllers and Models
- Create contexts instead of separate model and controller folders
- User Context
- Integrate stripe
- Add IP address geolocation
- Site design documents on Figma
- Tie leads and queries together
- Click on a query and view all submissions (kyle)
- Creating a new query should generate embed code