Gherkin is a parser and compiler for the Gherkin language.
Gherkin is currently implemented for the following platforms (in order of birthday):
- .NET -
- Java -
- JavaScript -
- Ruby -
- Go -
- Python -
- C -
- Objective-C - Currently not actively tested, requires maintenance
- Perl -
- PHP -
- Dart -
- C++ -
The CI will run using the linked workflow when that specific language implementation is changed
The CI will also run for any/all linked workflows when any test data is modified (For example modifying one of the good or bad features / ndjson outputs)
In order to allow Gherkin to be written in a number of languages, the keywords have been translated into multiple languages. To improve readability and flow, some languages may have more than one translation for any given keyword.
If you are looking to add, update or improve these translations please see
if you want to contribute a parser
for a new programming language. Our wish-list is (in no particular order):
- Rust
Gherkin can be used either through its command line interface (CLI) or as a library.
It is designed to be used in conjunction with other tools such as Cucumber which consumes the output from the CLI or library as Cucumber Messages.
Using the library is the preferred way to use Gherkin since it produces easily consumable AST and Pickle objects in-process without having to fork a CLI process or parse JSON.
The library itself provides a stream API, which is what the CLI is based on. This is the recommended way to use the library as it provides a high level API that is easy to use. See the CLI implementations to get an idea of how to use it.
Alternatively, you can use the lower level parser and compiler. Some usage examples are below:
Path path = Paths.get("../testdata/good/minimal.feature");
GherkinParser parser = GherkinParser.builder().build();
Stream<Envelope> pickles = parser.parse(envelope).filter(envelope -> envelope.getPickle().isPresent());
var parser = new Parser();
var gherkinDocument = parser.Parse(@"Drive:\PathToGherkinDocument\document.feature");
require 'gherkin/parser'
require 'gherkin/pickles/compiler'
source = {
uri: 'uri_of_the_feature.feature',
data: 'Feature: ...',
mediaType: 'text/x.cucumber.gherkin+plain'
gherkin_document =[:data])
id_generator =
pickles =, source)
var Gherkin = require("@cucumber/gherkin");
var Messages = require("@cucumber/messages");
var uuidFn = Messages.IdGenerator.uuid();
var builder = new Gherkin.AstBuilder(uuidFn);
var matcher = new Gherkin.GherkinClassicTokenMatcher(); // or Gherkin.GherkinInMarkdownTokenMatcher()
var parser = new Gherkin.Parser(builder, matcher);
var gherkinDocument = parser.parse("Feature: ...");
var pickles = Gherkin.compile(
// Download the package via: `go get`
// && go get ""
import (
gherkin ""
messages ""
func main() {
uuid := &message.UUID{} // or &message.Incrementing{}
reader := strings.NewReader(`Feature: ...`)
gherkinDocument, err := gherkin.ParseGherkinDocument(reader, uuid.NewId)
pickles := gherkin.Pickles(*gherkinDocument, "minimal.feature", uuid.NewId)
from gherkin.parser import Parser
from gherkin.pickles.compiler import Compiler
parser = Parser()
gherkin_document = parser.parse("Feature: ...")
gherkin_document["uri"] = "uri_of_the_feature.feature"
pickles = Compiler().compile(gherkin_document)
#import "GHParser+Extensions.h"
GHParser * parser = [[GHParser alloc] init];
NSString * featureFilePath; // Should refer to the place where we can get the content of the feature
NSString * content = [NSString stringWithContentsOfURL:featureFilePath encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:nil];
if([content stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet]].length == 0){
// GHParser will throw an error if you passed empty content... handle this issue first.
GHGherkinDocument * result = [parser parseContent:content];
use Gherkin::Parser;
use Gherkin::Pickles::Compiler;
my $parser = Gherkin::Parser->new();
my $gherkin_document = $parser->parse("Feature: ...");
my $pickles = Gherkin::Pickles::Compiler->compile($gherkin_document);
use Cucumber\Gherkin\GherkinParser;
$path = '/path/to/my.feature';
$parser = new GherkinParser();
$pickles = $parser->parseString(uri: $path, data: file_get_contents($path));
The Gherkin CLI gherkin
reads Gherkin source files (.feature
files) and outputs
ASTs and Pickles.
The gherkin
program takes any number of files as arguments and prints the results
as Newline Delimited JSON.
Each line is a JSON document that conforms to the Cucumber Event Protocol.
To try it out, just install Gherkin for your favourite language, and run it over the files in this repository:
gherkin testdata/**/*.feature
Ndjson is easy to read for programs, but hard for people. To pretty print each JSON document you can pipe it to the jq program:
gherkin testdata/**/*.feature | jq
If you want to use a newline character in a table cell, you can write this
as \n
. If you need a |
as part of the cell, you can escape it as \|
. And
finally, if you need a \
, you can escape that with \\
The following diagram outlines the architecture:
graph LR
A[Feature file] -->|Scanner| B[Tokens]
B -->|Parser| D[AST]
The scanner reads a gherkin doc (typically read from a .feature
file) and creates
a token for each line. The tokens are passed to the parser, which outputs an AST
(Abstract Syntax Tree).
If the scanner sees a #language
header, it will reconfigure itself dynamically
to look for Gherkin keywords for the associated language. The keywords are defined in
The scanner is hand-written, but the parser is generated by the Berp parser generator as part of the build process.
Berp takes a grammar file (gherkin.berp
) and a template file (gherkin-X.razor
) as input
and outputs a parser in language X:
graph TD
A[gherkin.berp] --> B[berp.exe]
C[gherkin-X.razor] --> B
B --> D[Parser.x]
The AST produced by the parser can be described with the following class diagram:
ScenarioOutline --|> ScenarioDefinition
GherkinDocument "1" *-- "0..1" Comment: comment
GherkinDocument "1" *-- "0..1" Feature: feature
Feature "1" *-- "0..*" ScenarioDefinition: scenarioDefinitions
Feature "1" *-- "0..*" Rule: rules
Rule "1" *-- "0..*" ScenarioDefinition: scenarioDefinitions
Background "0..1" --* "1" Rule: background
Feature "1" *-- "0..1" Background: background
Scenario --|> ScenarioDefinition
Tag "0..*" --* "1" Feature: tags
Tag "0..*" --* "1" Scenario: tags
Tag "0..*" --* "1" ScenarioOutline: tags
Tag "0..*" --* "1" Examples: tags
Examples "0..*" --* "1" ScenarioOutline: examples
TableRow "1" --* "1" Examples: header
TableRow "0..*" --* "1" Examples: rows
Background "1" *-- "0..*" Step: steps
Step "0..*" --* "1" ScenarioDefinition: steps
StepArgument "0..1" --* "1" Step: stepArgument
DataTable --|> StepArgument
StepArgument <|-- DocString
TableRow "0..*" --* "1" DataTable: rows
TableRow "1" *-- "0..*" TableCell: cells
class ScenarioDefinition {
class Step {
class Examples {
class Feature {
class Background {
class Rule {
class DocString {
class Comment {
class TableCell {
class Tag {
class Location {
line: int
column: int
Every class represents a node in the AST. Every node has a Location
that describes
the line number and column number in the input file. These numbers are 1-indexed.
All fields on nodes are strings (except for Location.line
and Location.column
The implementation is simple objects without behaviour, only data. It's up to the implementation to decide whether to use classes or just basic collections, but the AST must have a JSON representation (this is used for testing).
Each node in the JSON representation also has a type
property with the name
of the node type.
You can see some examples in the testdata/good directory.
The AST isn't suitable for execution by Cucumber. It needs further processing into a simpler form called Pickles.
The compiler compiles the AST produced by the parser into pickles:
graph LR
A[AST] -->|Compiler| B[Pickles]
The rationale is to decouple Gherkin from Cucumber so that Cucumber is open to support alternative formats to Gherkin (for example Markdown).
The simpler Pickles data structure also simplifies the internals of Cucumber. With the compilation logic maintained in the Gherkin library we can easily use the same test suite for all implementations to verify that compilation is behaving consistently between implementations.
Each Scenario
will be compiled into a Pickle
. A Pickle
has a list of
, derived from the steps in a Scenario
Each Examples
row under Scenario Outline
will also be compiled into a Pickle
Any Background
steps will also be compiled into a Pickle
Every tag, like @a
, will be compiled into a Pickle
as well (inheriting tags from parent elements
in the Gherkin AST).
@b @c
Scenario Outline:
Given <x>
| x |
| y |
@d @e
Scenario Outline:
Given <m>
| m |
| n |
Using the CLI we can compile this into several pickle objects:
gherkin testdata/good/readme_example.feature --no-source --no-ast | jq
"type": "pickle",
"uri": "testdata/good/readme_example.feature",
"pickle": {
"name": "",
"steps": [
"text": "y",
"arguments": [],
"locations": [
"line": 9,
"column": 7
"line": 5,
"column": 11
"tags": [
"name": "@a",
"location": {
"line": 1,
"column": 1
"name": "@b",
"location": {
"line": 3,
"column": 3
"name": "@c",
"location": {
"line": 3,
"column": 6
"locations": [
"line": 9,
"column": 7
"line": 4,
"column": 3
"type": "pickle",
"uri": "testdata/good/readme_example.feature",
"pickle": {
"name": "",
"steps": [
"text": "n",
"arguments": [],
"locations": [
"line": 18,
"column": 7
"line": 13,
"column": 11
"tags": [
"name": "@a",
"location": {
"line": 1,
"column": 1
"name": "@d",
"location": {
"line": 11,
"column": 3
"name": "@e",
"location": {
"line": 11,
"column": 6
"name": "@f",
"location": {
"line": 15,
"column": 5
"locations": [
"line": 18,
"column": 7
"line": 12,
"column": 3
Each Pickle
event also contains the path to the original source. This is useful for
generating reports and stack traces when a Scenario fails.
Cucumber will further transform this list of Pickle
objects to a list of TestCase
objects. TestCase
objects link to user code such as Hooks and Step Definitions.