This package generates Pytorch expressions from CVXPY expressions and constraints.
A Pytorch expression is a function that evaluates similarly to a CVXPY's numeric
A torch expression and a mapping from CVXPY leaves to their indices in the Pytorch expression
are returned.
To install CVXTorch, clone the repo from the source, and
pip install -e .
import cvxpy as cp
import torch
from cvxtorch import TorchExpression
n = 5
x = cp.Variable(n, name="x")
y = cp.Parameter(n, name="y")
z = 3
exp = x-y+2*z
tch_x = torch.arange(1, n+1)
tch_y = torch.arange(0, n)
tch_exp = TorchExpression(exp).torch_expression #tch_exp implements x-y+2*z, where x and y are torch.Tensor.
tch_res = tch_exp(tch_x, tch_y) #Contains a torch.Tensor [7.0]*n
A CVXTorch TorchExpression object is created. It has two properties:
torch_expression (callable): The generated torch expression.
variables_dictionary (cvxtorch.VariablesDict): An object that maps from CVXPY atoms to their indices in the generated torch expression.