In some cases, it is critical that we log both internal and external HTTP requests. This is very useful for debugging communication between microservices. But this feature is already available with other Spring boot libraries. What I wanted to show in this exercise is the flexibility of logging or saving in a database of particular data.
public class WebBeansConfig {
private final Logbook logbook;
public Logbook getLogbook() {
return Logbook.builder()
.strategy(new StatusAtLeastStrategy(200))
.sink(new LogSink(new LogFormatter(), new LogWriter()))
public RestTemplate restTemplate() {
RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
return restTemplate;
private LogbookClientHttpRequestInterceptor getLogbookInterceptor() {
return new LogbookClientHttpRequestInterceptor(logbook);
public class LogSink implements Sink {
private final LogFormatter formatter;
private final LogWriter writer;
public void write(Precorrelation preCorrelation, HttpRequest request) throws IOException {
public void write(Correlation correlation, HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response) throws IOException {
public void writeBoth(Correlation correlation, HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response) throws IOException {
writer.write(formatter.format(correlation.getId(), request, response));
public class LogFormatter {
public Message format(String correlationId, HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response) throws IOException {
return Message.builder()
This example logs in the console, but it could be on any other storage such as database.
public class LogWriter {
// you can autowire a service here
public void write(Message message) {
log.debug("Http intercepted message={}", message);