The lib of java internationalization, includes resource bundle and db implementation.
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###Quick useage for the implementation java.util.ResourceBundle: #####1. Directly use pack name
#####2. Use customized IBundleMessageType//resource pack dir and pack name; //put your resource bundle file //under your project path "openthinks/libs/i18n/resource/i18n/" String BASE_PACK_DIR = "openthinks/libs/i18n/resource/i18n/"; String LOG_PACK_NAME = "Log"; //get internationalization message by the properties key in bundle properties file //get default locale message String message = I18n.getMessage(BASE_PACK_DIR + LOG_PACK_NAME, "1000"); //get special locale message message = I18n.getMessage(BASE_PACK_DIR + LOG_PACK_NAME,Locale.UK, "1000");
### Locale change in application ###### Use class I18nApplicationLocale//define a customized message type, here is a enum; //it also can be normal class just implement interface IBundleMessageType public enum CustomizedMessageType implements IBundleMessageType{ LOG, EXCEPTION, UI; @Override public String value() { return name() + ":" + BASE_PACK_DIR + name(); } @Override public String getPackName() { //openthinks/libs/i18n/resource/i18n/LOG //openthinks/libs/i18n/resource/i18n/EXCEPTION //openthinks/libs/i18n/resource/i18n/UI return BASE_PACK_DIR + name(); } @Override public String getMessageType() { return name(); }
public static final String BASE_PACK_DIR = "openthinks/libs/i18n/resource/i18n/";
} //get default locale message String message = I18n.getMessage(CustomizedMessageType.LOG, "1000"); //get special locale message message = I18n.getMessage(CustomizedMessageType.LOG,Locale.UK, "1000");
//example for Swing UI, make it as Observer and regiester to I18nApplicationLocale class UI extends JFrame implements Observer{ private JButton button; private JLabel label;
public UI(){ //initialize component //register to I18nApplicationLocale I18nApplicationLocale.getInstance().addObserver(this); } // Overrides Observer public void update(Observable o, Object argument) { setLocaleMessage(); } public void setLocaleMessage(){ button.setText(I18n.getMessage(CustomizedMessageType.UI,"2000")); label.setText(I18n.getMessage(CustomizedMessageType.UI,"2001")); }
} // when the application locale changed, call the following statement I18nApplicationLocale.getInstance().changeCurrentLocale(Locale.UK);