A map type for Google maps that allows artificially zooming in beyond max zoom level
I've just taken applicable files from an Angular 2 app. It's written in Typescript, but the logic will be basically the same in Javascript (just without the typing).
private maxZoomService: google.maps.MaxZoomService = new google.maps.MaxZoomService();
// map: google.maps.Map
let centerLatLng: google.maps.LatLng = map.getCenter();
this.maxZoomService.getMaxZoomAtLatLng(centerLatLng, (maxZoomResult: google.maps.MaxZoomResult) => {
let superZoomMaxZoom: number = 24;
new SuperZoomLayer(map, maxZoomResult.zoom, superZoomMaxZoom);
this.zoomRangeModifierService.enableSuperZoom(map, superZoomMaxZoom);