Telegram Inlinne Keyboard Menu
Facts Button menu:
each Bm can return to caller menu
each Bm has own rows and cols configuration
the buttons have caption and action.
the action can be cmd --> run a command mnu --> Displays a new menu button url
text login_url -
callbackquerycmd receive the action in a switch and parse others params
Bmnu.php is a class that creates and returns a set of buttons ready to be assigned to $data['reply_markup']
BmnuCommand : Command for create menus and to 'start' the first default menu
Usage: /bmnu
inside callbackquery
$pizza = $callback_data;
$porciones = explode(";", $pizza);
$i=0; foreach ( $porciones as $parametro ) {
if ( $i == 0 ) $func = $parametro;
$var = 'par'.$i;
$$var = $parametro; $i++;
// now we have $par1,$par2..........
case "bmnu": // the action was bmnu;WEATHER
$data['parse_mode'] = 'HTML';
$data['callback_query_id'] = $callback_query_id;
$data['message_id'] = $callback_query->getMessage()->getMessageId();
$menu = BmnuCommand::armar_menu( $par1, $par2, $par3 );
$data['reply_markup']= $menu->show();
at this point, reply_markup have all buttons we need
add text or photo or whatever and
$data['text']= ......
//return Request::editMessageMedia($data);
//return Request::sendMessage($data);
case "pag": // Wants to paginating, sending menu name and page number
$data['text']='showing pag '.$par2.'';
$data['parse_mode'] = 'HTML';
$data['callback_query_id'] = $callback_query_id;
$data['message_id'] = $callback_query->getMessage()->getMessageId();
$menu = BmnuCommand::armar_menu($cat,intval($par2),0);
$menu->actual_item = $nro;
$menu->item_id = $nro;
$data['reply_markup']= $menu->show();
$data['text']= ......
//return Request::editMessageMedia($data);
//return Request::sendMessage($data);