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dansimau edited this page Jun 3, 2012 · 1 revision


With a basic skeleton app already working.


Flask-Assets is installed, with automatic on-demand compilation and minification of JS/CSS/SASS files. Just place your file into the respective directory and that's it.


Fabric is installed system-wide and the project comes with a simple and modular fabfile ready to get you started.

From the default fab -l:

	Available commands:

    build         Execute build tasks for all components.
    run           Start app in debug mode (for development).
    puppet.apply  Apply Puppet manifest.
    puppet.check  Syntax check on Puppet config.

Each fabfile "module" is a file or directory underneath the fabfile/ directory. Currently, the project ships with modules to manage the application, database and puppet components.

Tasks in most of the modules have their @task decorator removed for simplicity, as they are invoked the from higher-level shortcut commands (eg. fab build runs the build task for all modules).

You can add the @task decorator back in, and add your own custom additional modules to run tasks that are relevant to your project.


Simple Puppet modules are provided to install supporting software and get the system up-and-running straight away. The Puppet modules are basic and ready to be extended or replaced.

The Puppet configuration is applied using Puppet standalone (provided by Vagrant) using the manifest in standalone.pp. Configuration can be used as-is, or copied and used to fit into your existing Puppet workflow.

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