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Django Rest Framework project boilerplate

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Boilerplate for quickly creating a DRF projects and apps.

  • Pre-configured with logging, swagger, global access conditions, and JWT authentication.
  • App template including signals, urls (with router), serializer, and background tasks.
  • Users application implementing custom model, serializer, and view set for user (with history).
  • Included PyCharm run configurations for runserver, shell, and mockup data export/import.


Included Technologies


New Project

Create a new folder with the name of your Django project, open a terminal in it and run:

Note: You may want to install the pip packages manually to install specific versions of packages.

Click to expand
pip install django ipython docutils django-debug-toolbar django-cors-headers django-simple-history django-background-tasks djangorestframwrork django-filter drf-yasg djangorestframework-simplejwt drf-access-policy
$ git init
$ python -m venv venv
$ ./venv/Scripts/activate
(venv) $ pip install -r
(venv) $ django-admin startproject <project_name> . --template
(venv) $ py migrate

Notice: It is advised to create a requirements.txt file to store your project's dependencies.

Click to expand
pip freeze > requirements.txt

Notice: To use the included PyCharm run configurations, rename the _run folder to .run.

Click to expand
mv _run .run

New App

Open a terminal, activated with the project's virtual environment and run:

(venv) $ py startapp <app_name> --template

Add your app to the INSTALLED_APPS setting in your file:

    # Project apps

Include the app's router in your projects file:

urlpatterns = [
    # Project app routers
    path("<app_name>/", include("<app_name>.urls")),

PyCharm Run Configurations

This boilerplate includes PyCharm Run Configurations for:

  • runserver - Starts a lightweight Web server for development and also serves static files.
  • process_tasks - Run tasks that are scheduled to run on the queue.
  • shell - Runs a Python interactive interpreter (using IPython, with PyCharm debug mode).
  • export mockup - Export model data to mockup.json using dumpdata (used for mockup data).
  • import mockup - Import model data from mockup.json using loaddata (used for mockup data).
  • test - Discover and run tests in your project.