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ECS ML Deployment System


ECS ML Deployment System

Table of Contents
  1. Introduction
  2. Architecture
  3. Create Endpoint A
  4. Add Endpoint B
  5. Miscellaneous
  6. Cleanup
  7. License
  8. Contact


This is a solution to build a completed MLOps pipeline in production for a typical ML system. This example could be useful for any engineer or organization looking to operationalize ML with native AWS development tools such as CodePipeline, CodeBuild, and ECS.

The main use cases of this solution are:

  1. Your team wants to deploy infrastructure for an ML endpoint of an ML system. Let's call this endpoint A.
  2. After that, your team wants to deploy another ML endpoint of the same ML system into the existing infrastructure. Let's call this endpoint B.


In the following diagram, you can view the continuous delivery stages of the system.

  1. Developers push code to trigger the CodePipeline
  2. The CodePipeline runs CodeBuild job to run the CloudFormation templates to create resources (first time running) or update resources (second time running)


Component Details

  • CodePipeline: has various stages that define which step through which actions must be taken in which order to go from source code to creation of the production resources.
  • CodeBuild: builds the source code from GitHub and runs CloudFormation templates.
  • CloudFormation (CF): creates resources using YAML template.
  • Elastic Container Registry (ECR): stores docker images.
  • Elastic Container Service (ECS): groups container instances on which we can run task requests.
  • Elastic File System (EFS): stores user request's data and model's weights.
  • Application Load Balancer (ALB): distributes incoming application traffic across multiple target groups in ECS across Availability Zones. It monitors the health of its registered targets and routes traffic only to the healthy targets.
  • Route 53: connects user requests to infrastructure running in AWS, in our case, the ALB. In this project, we use another domain provider to route the traffic at the domain level.
  • AWS Certificate Manager (ACM): provisions, manages, and deploys public and private Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security (SSL/TLS) certificates for use with AWS services.
  • Virtual Private Cloud (VPC): controls our virtual networking environment, including resource placement, connectivity, and security.
  • CloudWatch: collects monitoring and operational data in the form of logs, metrics, and events.
  • Simple Notification Service (SNS): manages messaging service for both application-to-application (A2A) and application-to-person (A2P) communication. In this project, we don't configure SNS.

Create Endpoint A

Creating the infrastructure for endpoint A has several steps:

  1. Create the CloudFormation stack
  2. Create CodePipeline and CodeBuild projects
  3. Validate resources' permission and states
  4. Upload model's weights

This infrastructure is reusable for the other endpoint.

1.1. Create CloudFormation Stack

The CloudFormation stack creates the ECR repository. The CodePipeline and CodeBuild that we will create in the later steps depend on this ECR repository.

  1. Set parameter DesiredCount in cf_templates/create-ep-a.json to 0 to avoid the error docker image is not ready when the CloudFormation stack is created, because at the time the stack is created, the ECR repository doesn't exist. Set other parameters as well.
  2. Run
    aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name=create-ep-a --template-body file://cf_templates/create-ep-a.yaml --parameters file://cf_templates/create-ep-a.json --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM

1.2. Create CodePipeline and CodeBuild projects

This step creates manually CodePipeline and CodeBuild projects. In the next version of this tutorial, this step should be defined in a CloudFormation template.

  1. Update buildspec/ep-a.yaml file and push the code

  2. Go to AWS Console > CodePipeline > Create a new pipeline

  3. Configure pipeline settings

    • Pipeline name: ep-a
    • Select New service role
  4. Add source stage

    • Connect to GitHub, select repository and branch name
    • Enable Start the pipeline on source code change
    • Output artifact format: Full clone
  5. Add build stage

    • Build provider: AWS CodeBuild
    • Select your region
    • Create a CodeBuild project with the following settings:
    • Project name: ep-a
    • Environment:
      • System: Ubuntu
      • Runtime: Standard
      • Image: standard:4.0
      • Environment type: Linux
      • Privileged: Enabled
      • Create a new service role
      • Buildspec: use a buildspec file
      • Buildspec name: ./buildspec/ep-a.yaml
    • Build type: Single build
  6. Skip deploy stage

  7. Review and create CodePipeline

1.3. Validate resources

1.3.1. Add GitClone permission to CodeBuild project

Follow the section Add CodeBuild GitClone permissions for connections to Bitbucket, GitHub, or GitHub Enterprise Server at this link.

1.3.2. Validate API Health Check path

Make sure the health check path parameter in cf_templates/create-ep-a.json is correct.

1.3.3. Validate ECS's instances permission to access EFS

Manually add the ECS task's security group of the endpoint A to the Inbound rules of the security group created for EFS shared volumes. Without this, the ECS's instances cannot access EFS shared volumes. Check this article for more detail.

This step can be automated by creating an AWS Lambda function to run the validation task.

1.4. Update CloudFormation stack

  1. Set parameter DesiredCount in cf_templates/create-ep-a.json to the expected value.

  2. Set parameter APITag to the latest git commit hash in the "master" branch.

  3. Update stack. This might take ~10m.

    aws cloudformation update-stack --stack-name=<stack-name> --template-body file://cf_templates/create-ep-a.yaml --parameters file://cf_templates/create-ep-a.json --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM
  4. Validate resources

    • ECS: check services, tasks, instances, instances' logs
    • CloudFormation: check created resources, stack status

1.5. Upload model's weights

  1. Create an S3 folder like s3://<bucket-name>/<folder-name>
  2. Upload model's weights to this folder
  3. Mount the EFS shared weights folder to an EC2 bastion instance (check section Miscellaneous below for the instruction of creating this EC2 instance). Check CloudFormation stack's resources for the EFS shared volume's ID
  4. Run s3 sync
    sudo aws s3 sync s3://<bucket-name>/<folder-name> /mnt/<MOUNTED_FOLDER> --delete
  5. Add the command above as the cronjob of sudo user
    sudo crontab -e
    # Add this line to perform synchronization every 3rd minute of hour
    */3 * * * * aws s3 sync s3://<bucket-name>/<folder-name> /mnt/<MOUNTED_FOLDER> --delete

1.6. Test endpoint

  1. Go to the domain service provider (or Route 53), add the expected record (eg. HostHeaderApi parameter in cf_templates/create-ep-a.json) to point to the DNS name of the ALB created by the CloudFormation stack
  2. Test the API by sending a request to the expected URL
  3. Mount the shared assets EFS folder to the EC2 bastion instance to validate if the data is stored correctly

Add Endpoint B

Adding endpoint B into the existing infrastructure has similar steps as creating the infrastructure for endpoint A.

2.1. Create CloudFormation stack

  1. Set parameter DesiredCount in "cf_templates/add-ep-b.json" to 0.
  2. Set parameter ListernerRulePriority to the latest priority + 1 given that the latest priority in the ALB is currently in use
  3. Run
    aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name=add-ep-b --template-body file://cf_templates/add-ep-b.yaml --parameters file://cf_templates/add-ep-b.json --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM

2.2. Create CodePipeline and CodeBuild projects

This step is similar to section 1.2. Create CodePipeline and CodeBuild projects. For the buildspec file, just clone buildspec/ep-a.yaml file for the endpoint B.

2.3. Validate resources

This step is similar to section 1.3. Validate resources.

2.4. Update CloudFormation stack

This step is similar to section 1.4. Update CloudFormation stack.

2.5. Upload model's weights

This step is similar to section 1.5. Upload model's weights.

2.6. Test endpoint

This step is similar to section 1.6. Test endpoint.


Update CloudFormation template for future changes

In the future, when you want to update and validate the CloudFormation template without triggering the CodePipeline either manually or automatically, follow these steps:

  1. Set the APITag parameter in the parameter JSON file to the latest git commit hash in the master branch.
  2. Run aws cloudformation update-stack command.
  3. After confirming the template is usable, discard the changes of the APITag parameter in the parameter JSON file and commit the rest of the changes.

Access container in Fargate/EC2 instance using ECS Exec

Sometimes you might want to access the containers in Fargate/EC2 instances for debugging purposes. Follow these below instructions to do it. Read this article for more information.

  1. Install SSM
  2. Make sure the ECS Task Role allows these actions:
  3. Make sure EnableExecuteCommand is true in the AWS::ECS::Service resource in the CloudFormation template.
    • If you haven't set it, then set it to true, and update the cloudformation stack
    • Manually stop all the tasks run by your ECS Service
    • Wait until the new tasks are deployed
  4. Run this command to exec into the container.
    aws ecs execute-command --cluster <ecs-cluster> --task <TASK ID> --command "/bin/bash" --interactive

Mount the EFS shared volume on the EC2 bastion instance

The purpose of mounting the EFS shared volume is to manipulate the saved data. Follow these below instructions. Read this article for more detail.

  1. Add your IP into the Inbound Rules of the Security Group of the EC2 bastion instance
  2. Ask your Admin to get the .pem file to SSH to the EC2 bastion instance
  3. Make sure the NFS client is installed on the EC2 instance
  4. Create a directory to mount the EFS shared volume to
    sudo mkdir /mnt/new-folder
  5. Go to AWS Console > EFS to get the correct EFS file system ID of the EFS shared volume
  6. Run
    sudo mount -t nfs -o nfsvers=4.1,rsize=1048576,wsize=1048576,hard,timeo=600,retrans=2,noresvport <efs-file-system-id>.efs.<region> /mnt/new-folder
  7. Validate the mount point
    df -aTh


  1. Remove the record that points to the ALB's DNS name in your domain service.
  2. Delete all related S3 buckets.
  3. Delete CodePipeline and CodeBuild projects
  4. Delete all the CF stacks one by one starting from the top one. Don't delete them all at once.


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.


Tung Dao - LinkedIn

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