The Docker stack configuration for
This project is deployed in accordance to the DargStack template to make deployment a breeze. It is closely related to jonas-thelemann's source code.
The DJ website's AWS credentials.
The cReal GraphQL API's database URI.
The cReal GraphQL API's database owner URI.
The DJ website's Sqitch target.
The DJ website's CMS administrator JWT secret.
The DJ website's CMS administrator admin token salt.
The DJ website's CMS session secrets.
The DJ website's CMS JWT secret.
The DJ website's CMS transfer token salt.
The markdown collaboration tool's database url.
The markdown collaboration tool's session secret.
The job scheduler's SMTP client mail alias.
The job scheduler's AWS bucket name.
The job scheduler's AWS credentials.
The job scheduler's SMTP client configuration.
The email service's SMTP configuration.
The captcha provider's application key.
The cloud admin user's password.
The cloud admin user's name.
The container manager's password for the user
. -
The database backup service's database name.
The database default user's password.
database role's password. -
database role's password. -
The database default user's name.
The DNS provider's DNS API token.
The DNS provider's zone API token.
The TrapParty GraphQL API's database URI.
The TrapParty GraphQL API's database owner URI.
The party website's Sqitch target.
You can access this subproject at 1generator.localhost.
You can access the database's frontend at adminer.localhost. This information is required for login:
System PostgreSQL Server postgres Username [postgres_user] Password [postgres_password] Database Values in square brackets are Docker secrets.
You can access the DJ website at creal.localhost.
You can access cReal's GraphQL API for the PostgreSQL database at creal_postgraphile.localhost.
You can access the DJ website's CMS at creal_strapi.localhost.
You can access the markdown collaboration tool at hedgedoc.localhost.
You cannot access the jobber via a web interface.
You can access the main project at localhost.
You can access the s3 console at minio.localhost. You can access the s3 api service at s3.localhost if you want to access via cli from outside the stack.
You can access nextcloud via
. -
You can access nextcloud via
. -
You can access nexcloud's frontend at nextcloud.localhost.
You can access the container manager's frontend at portainer.localhost.
You can access the container manager agent via
. -
You can access the database via
. -
Backup service for
. -
You cannot access the key-value store via a web interface.
You can access the web IRC client's dashboard at thelounge.localhost.
You can access the reverse proxy's dashboard at traefik.localhost. Traefik enables HTTPS for all services and acts as a load-balancer too.
You cannot access the reverse proxy's certificate helper directly.
You can access TrapParty's website at trapparty.localhost.
You can access TrapParty's GraphQL API for the PostgreSQL database at postgraphile.localhost.
The reverse proxy's certificate data.
The DJ website's CMS data.
The s3 server's data.
The cloud's data.
The container manager's data.
The database's data.
The IRC client's data.