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Severin Gehwolf edited this page Apr 17, 2011 · 5 revisions

How to Use Review Board

Every MarkUs developer has to use Review Board (even for the smallest commit). Review Board is our tool for peer-reviewing to-be-checked-in source code. This is a short guide as to how to use Review Board.

Creating New Review Requests

Once you have created a branch, worked on your code and committed your changes to your local git repository you are ready to create a review request.

  1. Create a diff file of your changes:
  • git checkout master
  • git pull markus-upstream master
  • git diff --full-index master <your-feature-branch-name> > your_feature.diff

2. Go to <> and log in with your credentials (If you do not have a Review Board account, request one from the administrator)

  1. Click on "New Review Request"

    2.1 Select the MarkUs Git source code repository

    2.2. Select your local diff file you've just created above.

  1. Check the diff by clicking on "View Diff"
  1. Enter appropriate "Summary" and "Description"
  1. If this review request addresses a particular bug for which there exists a ticket enter ticket number in "Bugs". Please just add the ticket number nothing more.
  1. If you want to get review of any MarkUs developer, enter "markus_developers" in field "Groups". If you want to get review by one particular MarkUs developer you enter the Review Board username of that developer in field "People". Note: Groups and People are auto-completing fields, which might be handy sometimes.
  1. Once you are satisfied with your review request, you need to publish it in order to have review-request-emails sent out.
  2. You may also choose to let your peer developers know about the new
review-request in the MarkUs IRC channel.

Reviewing Code of Your Peer-Developers

In general, after a review-request has been uploaded, there are 3 steps code, topic of a review-request, has to go through before it gets checked in into the MarkUs source code repository: 1. comment review-request 2. revise review-request (if need be) and 3. check in changed source code (_provided_ the review-request got a green light - i.e. a "ship it"). Step one and two need be repeated as appropriate and until the review-request gets a "ship it" (or gets dropped without being committed at all).

But how to comment review-requests? How do you give a "ship it"? The following steps outline how to do these things:

  1. Go to <> and log in with your credentials
  2. Let other developers know that you are about to review review-request X, in order to avoid conflicts
  1. Select review-request (from the dashboard) you would like to review and click on it
  2. Once you have the desired review-request open, click on "View Diff"
  1. Comment code by clicking on appropriate line numbers on the right or in the middle (In order to delete comments click green clip on the very right to open the comment again; then click the "Delete" button)
  1. Once you are done commenting code of the review-request, publish your comments. You should _not_ check "ship it", if you expect your peer-developer to revise the review-request!
  2. Optionally let your peer-developer know that you have reviewed his/her
  1. If you think code is ready to be committed, give a "ship it" by clicking
"Review" or "Edit Review".
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