This dynamic form use template driven form And Very simple to use
- *ngFor array of form objects
- will call template for the input suplied by each form object from ngfor
- inside step 2 will use app- selector of component to display error
inside component.ts
constructor(private title: Title) {
const usernameForm: BaseForm = new BaseForm('Username', 'Username', 'username', 'text');
usernameForm.rules = {
'required': true,
'minlength': 5,
'maxlength': 7,
'pattern': '[\\w]*',
'patternInfo': 'Only word and number no spaces and symbols'
usernameForm.value = 'myName';
const passwordForm: BaseForm = new BaseForm('Password', 'Password', 'password', 'password');
passwordForm.rules = {
'required': true,
'maxlength': 10
this.baseForms.push(usernameForm, passwordForm);
then in the component.htmll
<div class="row">
<div class="offset-3 col-6">
<form #loginForm="ngForm" novalidate (submit)="formSubmit(loginForm)">
<span *ngFor="let baseForm of this.baseForms">
<app-style-stack [parentForm]="loginForm" [baseForm]="baseForm"></app-style-stack>
<button [disabled]="!loginForm.valid" class="btn btn-success" type="submit">Login</button>
- required : boolean
- minlength: number
- maxlength: number
- pattern : string regex
- patternInfo: String the info of regex rule to be displayed to user if pattern not satisfied
- in BaseForm Object set the .value, it will be 2 way binding
- all inside src/app/forms
- optional the src/style.css for form animation for this demo
- bootstrap v4 for this demo