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Proof of concept source code for pre-processing calcuim imaging movies. (It works on test data. However, improvements need to be implemented)

We start with a avi movie (in the movment the parameters are set to 30fps). First -- if neccessary -- the avi file is converted into a npy file, saves on disk and then loaded again. Several steps of cleaning the signal are done. In the end we get a file that is downsampled to 3fps and reduced in x and y dimensions by a factor 2 each. A file with the ending ..._decorrelated.npy is created. and

Visual inspection of the movie stored in ..._decorrelated.npy. The two show files use different methods to scale the movie.

Estimates where cells (or better areas with correlated activites are).

  • threshold: float = 0.8 # Correlation threshold. results in the area per detected cell. The smaller the value, the bigger the area.
  • minimum_area: int = 100 # We don't want a huge amount of mini "cells", this we have a threshold for the area a cell needs to occupy.

Uses the estimated cell areas and trys to extract a common signal from each area (including trying to reject the non-common noise). The results are sorted by skewness. The larger the skewness, the bigger are the spike signals.

TODO / Known problems:

The movement jitter surpression does not work correctly. During programming it wasn't clear what could move or not in the image. Also what are stable landmarks? In the moment, the software is too much focused on the aperture.

skimage.measure.find_contours, skimage.measure.approximate_polygon, and skimage.draw.polygon2mask should be ported to PyTorch. However, the estimated performance increase will be very minor.


The code was tested on a Python 3.11.2 (Linux) with the following pip packages installed:

numpy scipy pandas flake8 pep8-naming black matplotlib seaborn ipython jupyterlab mypy dataclasses-json dataconf mat73 ipympl torch torchtext pywavelets scikit-image opencv-python scikit-learn tensorflow_datasets tensorboard tqdm argh sympy jsmin pybind11 pybind11-stubgen pigar asciichartpy torchvision torchaudio tensorflow natsort roipoly

Not all packages are necessary (probably these are enougth: torch torchaudio torchvision roipoly natsort numpy matplotlib) but this is our default in-house installation plus roipoly.

We used a RTX 3090 as test GPU.

For installing torch under Windows see here:

Processing pipeline:

  • convert avi file to npy file
  • load npy file into RAM (np.ndarray: input)
  • copy to the GPU (input -> torch.Tensor: data)
  • do some pre-processing for helping to find landmarks in the movie [needs improvement!]
  • select a reference image
  • calculate translation changes between the reference image and the frames of the movie
  • copy to the GPU (input -> torch.Tensor: data)
  • apply spatial shift to compensate for movement between reference image and the frames
  • calculate a SVD over the whole movie. Calculate whitening matrices and co from it.
  • whiten the movie and average over the spatial dimensions -> data_svd
  • copy to the GPU (input -> torch.Tensor: data)
  • calculate scaling factor between data_svd and data for all the individual pixels.
  • scale data_svd (-> to_remove) and remove it from data (data -= to_remove)
  • the movie is downsamples in time
    • torchaudio.functional.resample from 30fps to 3 fps
    • bandpass filter 0.1 - 1.0 Hz (based on torchaudio's filtfilt)
  • SVD Denosing
    • A windows is moved over the spatial dimensions. The window has the size (2window_size+1) x (2window_size+1) with window_size=2
    • A SVD is calculated over each individual window.
    • Calculate whitening matrices and co from it.
    • Whiten the movie patch and average over the spatial dimensions. -> data_svd
    • Calculate scaling factor between data_svd and data for all the individual pixels.
    • Use the time series in the center of the window as denoised signal.
  • torch.nn.AvgPool2d
  • save as ..._decorrelated.npy

  • load the ..._decorrelated.npy file into data
  • data = data.nan_to_num(nan=0.0)
  • data -= data.mean(dim=0, keepdim=True)
  • data /= data.std(dim=0, keepdim=True)
  • master_image = (data.max(dim=0)[0] - data.min(dim=0)[0]).nan_to_num(nan=0.0).clone()
  • temp_image = master_image.clone()
  • an empty mask is created -> master_mask
  • while-loop: Are there are pixels unexplained in the mask master_mask left?
    • Select a pixel (x0,y0) via maximum on temp_image; (Also stop if there is no "real" maximum anymore; i.e. x0,y0 is on an already used pixel)
    • Using this selected pixel (x0,y0), the correlation between time series at (x0,y0) and the whole movie is calculated.
    • Remove the correlation with the mask which knows which pixel were already used. temp_image *= master_mask
    • Use a threshold (parameter) on the correlation matrix. Thus we create a binary matrix which is one where the correlation is bigger the threshold.
    • skimage.measure.find_contours on the correlation matrix
      • With each contour:
      • [optional: skimage.measure.approximate_polygon]
      • mask = skimage.draw.polygon2mask(scale.shape, coords)
      • Is (x0,y0) inside this contour -> yes continue otherwise discard this contour.
      • Does this contour cover an area larger than the minimum area (parameter)? yes store this contour and remove this area from the mask otherwise discard this contour
    • Was a suitable contour found for (x0,y0)? No: remove pixel from the mask
  • save the contours

  • load the ..._decorrelated.npy file into data
  • load the contours
  • loop over the contors
    • mask = skimage.draw.polygon2mask(scale.shape, coords)
    • Extract a list of pixel from the mask
    • Use this list of pixel to select data from the tensor matrix
    • Use a SVD to extract the common time series from these pixels
  • calculate the skew (scipy.stats.skew) of these time series and sort them acordingly


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