: the newest content of this example.rpc
: implement shooting andRPC
: implement basic shooting logic only.
PuerTS is a high performance script system for Unity and Unreal that founded by chexiongsheng.
This repository is the personal study note referenced to author's tutorial, since there're some issues haven't been mentioned in origin documents.
Official tutorial:
Install Unreal Engine 4.
Install nodejs:
Check the optionAutomatically install the necessary tools.
at the ending of installation. -
Clone puerts from
Copy directory
into this project:PuertsGame/Plugins/Puerts/
. -
Open cmd and address to directory
, execute command:node enable_puerts_module.js
Bulid from visual studio, and start editor, then click plugin button
If can't find
in directoryPuertsGame/Blueprints/TypeScript/
, which were generated byPuerTS
, in editor content browser.
You need to fire hot compilcation by adding empty line in TypeScript source file.
If add a blank line and save file, log would output that TypeScript source has been re-compiled:
would auto compile this TypeScript source and auto generate Unreal.uasset
file under directoryPuertsGame/Blueprints/TypeScript/
. -
andDefault Pawn Class
in World Settings panel:
- UE4Editor -> Edit -> Project Settings -> Plugins -> Puerts Settings -> Enable
Debug Mode
, and setDebug Port
as an unoccupied port (8889
- IntelliJ IDEA -> Run -> Edit Configurations
- Add New Configuration -> Attach to Node.js / Chrome
- Set
as the same as UE4Editor settings (8889
- Re-startup UE4Editor at first time.
- Debug TypeScript in IntelliJ IDEA:
- Play game in UE4Editor.
- Then breakpoints in IntelliJ IDEA would be hit, and you can watch variables values:
To enable RPC, add "experimentalDecorators": true
in PuertsGame/tsconfig.json
"compilerOptions": {
"target": "esnext",
"module": "commonjs",
"experimentalDecorators": true,
"jsx": "react",
"sourceMap": true,
"typeRoots": [
"outDir": "Content/JavaScript"
"include": [
Otherwise you would get warning:
Error D:/PuertsGame/TypeScript/TS_Player.ts (101,5): Experimental support for decorators is a feature that is subject to change in a future release. Set the 'experimentalDecorators' option to remove this warning.
Check Replicates
in Detail panels.
Check Replicates
in Detail panels.
Then select CubeMesh
of BP_Target
, and check Component Replicates
Select property Health
of BP_Target
, then set Replication as RepNotify
Implement function On Rep Health
which was generated by Blueprint.
Remove node Update Color
in function Take Damage
Select Net Mode
of Multiplayer Options
as Play as Client
Now you can run game with RPC demonstration.
Project Settings -> Packaging -> Additional Non-Asset Directories To Copy -> Add directory JavaScript
Otherwise, you would get error on startup:
Puerts: Error: (0x00000228FF6B3BF0) can not find [puerts/first_run.js]
Puerts: Error: (0x00000228FF6B3BF0) can not find [puerts/polyfill.js]
Puerts: Error: (0x00000228FF6B3BF0) can not find [puerts/log.js]
Puerts: Error: (0x00000228FF6B3BF0) can not find [puerts/modular.js]
Puerts: Error: (0x00000228FF6B3BF0) can not find [puerts/uelazyload.js]
Puerts: Error: (0x00000228FF6B3BF0) can not find [puerts/events.js]
Puerts: Error: (0x00000228FF6B3BF0) can not find [puerts/promises.js]
Puerts: Error: (0x00000228FF6B3BF0) can not find [puerts/argv.js]
Puerts: Error: (0x00000228FF6B3BF0) can not find [puerts/jit_stub.js]
Puerts: Error: (0x00000228FF6B3BF0) can not find [puerts/hot_reload.js]
Don't load object in Constructor since there are some limits in Unreal.
this.PS_BulletImpact = UE.ParticleSystem.Load("/Game/BlockBreaker/ParticleSystems/PS_BulletImpact");
Otherwise, you would get error on startup:
Assertion failed: AsyncLoadingThread.RecursionNotAllowed.Increment() == 1 [File:D:/Build/++UE4/Sync/Engine/Source/Runtime/CoreUObject/Private/Serialization/AsyncLoading.cpp] [Line: 3992]
Alteration: load object in ReceiveBeginPlay
ReceiveBeginPlay(): void
this.PS_BulletImpact = UE.ParticleSystem.Load("/Game/BlockBreaker/ParticleSystems/PS_BulletImpact");