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The Disturbance Approval System (DAS) is used for by external approved organisations to submit applications for works that will potentially create a public disturbance. It is a database-backed Django application, using REST API with Vue.js as the client side app.


  • Python (2.7.x)
  • PostgreSQL (>=9.3)

Python library requirements should be installed using pip:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Environment settings

A .env file should be created in the project root and used to set required environment variables at run time. Example content:

SUPERVISOR_STOP_CMD="supervisorctl stop disturbance-uat"

Application Schema

The application schema describes the fields that will be shown in the application questionaire, under the "Enter Details" heading. This is in the JSON format and must, at the highest level, contain a list of sections, each with their own set of fields (although a section is a type of field itself in this paradigm). These can be further nested into groups of fields if required. A very simple example is shown below.

        "type": "section", 
        "name": "section_1", 
        "label": "Section 1"
        "children": [
                "type": "text", 
                "name": "name", 
                "label": "Provide you name"
                "type": "file", 
                "name": "qualification_attachments", 
                "label": "Qualification Attachment(s)"
                "type": "declaration", 
                "name": "acknowledgement", 
                "label": "I acknowledge that all this information is true"
        "type": "section", 
        "name": "section_2", 
        "label": "Section 2"
        "children": [
                "type": "text", 
                "name": "additional_info", 
                "label": "Provide relevant additional information"
                "type": "declaration", 
                "name": "acknowledgement", 
                "label": "I acknowledge that all this information is true"
Mandatory Attributes

All fields, including sections and groups, must at minimum contain three attributes: type, name, and label.

type is generally for html input types, except in a few cases, such as section, group, and label. The available types are:

  • section - base section for grouping fields
  • group - nested group of fields within section or other groups
  • text - standard text input
  • text_area - large text input
  • number - number input
  • date - date input
  • select - combo box input
  • radiobuttons - radio button group input
  • checkbox - single checkbox input
  • label - just text-based label (usually goes before series of checkboxes)
  • file- file input
  • declaration - checkbox with declaration text next to it.
  • species - special species lookup input

name is a field for identifying each field in the system. Note: every field must have a totally unique name. This means no two fields anywhere in one application schema can have have the same name. Also note that the name cannot contain spaces or special characters such as question marks, full stops, etc.

label is the piece of text preceding an input and is usually the question to be answered in the input.

Non-mandatory Attributes

There is also a non-mandatory attribute that can go with each field.

  • help_text - Text that will appear under each field, usually an explanation or example answer to a question.
Field-specific Attributes

With several fields there are extra attributes required which are detailed below.

Groups / Sections

Sections and groups both require a children attribute, which is a list of fields are listed within.

Groups can also have a field called isRepeatable for when the whole group needs be be repeated on the questionaire to allow repeated entries of the same type of certain data, such as a list of people's various details. An example group field is shown below.

    "type": "group", 
    "name": "authorised_persons", 
    "label": "Authorised Person",
    "isRepeatable": true, 
    "children": [
            "type": "text", 
            "name": "ap_surname", 
            "label": "Surname"
            "type": "checkbox", 
            "name": "ap_given_names", 
            "label": "Given name(s)"
            "type": "date", 
            "name": "ap_dob", 
            "label": "Date of birth"
Select / Radiobuttons

These fields require an options attribute, which is the list of options for either the combo box or set of radiobuttons. This is a list of objects with each object requiring a value and label attribute. value is the actual value that will be stored in the database and label is the verbose version of the value. An optional field defaultBlank can be set to true if the initial chosen option in the combo box should be blank for select fields or no radiobuttons selected for radiobuttons fields. If defaultBlank is not set or false, the first option will be selected as default.

    "type": "select", 
    "name": "ap_association", 
    "label": "Association to applicant", 
    "defaultBlank": true
    "options": [
            "value": "volunteer", 
            "label": "Volunteer"
            "value": "contractor", 
            "label": "Contractor"
            "value": "staff", 
            "label": "Staff / Employee"
            "value": "student", 
            "label": "Student"
            "value": "other", 
            "label": "Other - Please provide details"

Checkboxes differ slightly from other fields in that while they are often grouped together, they exist as separate fields. In the case of checkbox fields, the label will appear next to the checkbox, rather than above, such that when there is a sequence of checkbox fields they appear grouped together. As a result, a label field is usually required before the sequence of checkbox fields, which will contain the question. This should not be confused with the label attribute of a field - it is a field in its own right, and should have a label attribute within.

    "type": "label", 
    "name": "ap_handler_type", 
    "label": "Handler Type"
    "type": "checkbox", 
    "name": "ap_basic", 
    "label": "Basic handling, trap clearing and animal measurements"
    "type": "checkbox", 
    "name": "ap_biopsy", 
    "label": "Biopsy/tissue samples"
    "type": "checkbox", 
    "name": "ap_chipping", 
    "label": "Microchipping/tagging"

There may be cases where a field or set of fields should only be shown if a particular answer is given for an earlier field. To accomplish this, the condition attribute can be added to most field types, with the exception of section, group, label and file. In practice, however, generally conditions would only be applied to select, radiobutton and checkbox fields. A condition attribute should itself be a object, where each attribute name is the answer that will yield further fields and the value of each attribute is the actual list of such fields. Note: not all options require an entry in conditions, only the values that require further fields.

    "type": "radiobuttons", 
    "name": "how_project_funded", 
    "label": "How is your project funded?",
    "options": [
            "value": "grant", 
            "label": "Grant / Sponsored"
            "value": "contract", 
            "label": "Contract / Consulting"
            "value": "other", 
            "label": "Other - Please provide details"
    "conditions": {
        "grant": [
                "type": "text_area", 
                "name": "grant_details", 
                "label": "Provide details of the grant or sponsorship"
        "contract": [
                "type": "text", 
                "name": "contract_client_name", 
                "label": "Provide the client name."
                "type": "text_area", 
                "name": "contract_client_address", 
                "label": "Provide the client address."
        "other": [
                "type": "text_area", 
                "name": "financial_details_other", 
                "label": "Provide details of who is funding the project or how the project is being funded"