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Metronome Release Process (#149)
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
* remove warning for not being able to link scaladoc from marathon project
migrated over ci infra from marathon for consistency

* fixing flake8 failed tests

* play requires 2.4.20 lets go with it

* # This is a combination of 10 commits.
# This is the 1st commit message:

adding jenkins release pipeline

# This is the commit message #2:

release process for metronome.  needs jenkins testing

# This is the commit message #3:

need protobuf installed and in path to build

# This is the commit message #4:

tagging is not useful right now

# This is the commit message #5:

need to be super apparently

# This is the commit message #6:

unable to get the cached protoc compiler

# This is the commit message #7:

last attempt.  it appears that the shell out that ammonite does loses the path

# This is the commit message #8:

going around ammonite for now

# This is the commit message #9:

my aliases do not work on jenkins

# This is the commit message #10:

crazy unable to build on the node

* adding jenkins release pipeline

* updated based on pr feedback

* scapegoat to be added in on a separate pr

* retest
  • Loading branch information
kensipe authored Dec 5, 2017
1 parent a139b20 commit 9d798c1
Show file tree
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Showing 9 changed files with 282 additions and 112 deletions.
40 changes: 40 additions & 0 deletions Jenkinsfile.release
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
#!/usr/bin/env groovy

ansiColor('xterm') {
node('JenkinsMarathonCI-Debian8-2017-10-23') {

string(name: 'gitsha',
defaultValue: '',
description: 'Git Commit SHA to Build and Release (ex. 167d7fb86 or 167)'
string(name: 'version',
defaultValue: '',
description: 'Community Release Version (ex. v1.5.2). This is a verification of the version.'

stage("Run Pipeline") {
try {
checkout scm
usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'a7ac7f84-64ea-4483-8e66-bb204484e58f', passwordVariable: 'GIT_PASSWORD', usernameVariable: 'GIT_USER'),
string(credentialsId: '3f0dbb48-de33-431f-b91c-2366d2f0e1cf',variable: 'AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'),
string(credentialsId: 'f585ec9a-3c38-4f67-8bdb-79e5d4761937',variable: 'AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'),
]) {
sshagent (credentials: ['0f7ec9c9-99b2-4797-9ed5-625572d5931d']) {
sh "bin/"
sh """PATH=\$PATH:\$HOME/protobuf/bin ci/pipeline release $params.version $params.gitsha"""
} finally {
junit(allowEmptyResults: true, testResults: '*/target/test-reports/*.xml')
archive includes: "sandboxes.tar.gz"
archive includes: "ci-${env.BUILD_TAG}.log.tar.gz"
archive includes: "ci-${env.BUILD_TAG}.log" // Only in case the build was aborted and the logs weren't zipped
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import dcos.metronome.model.{ JobId, JobRunStatus, JobSpec }
import mesosphere.marathon.core.plugin.PluginManager
import org.scalatest.{ BeforeAndAfter, GivenWhenThen }
import org.scalatest.concurrent.ScalaFutures
import org.scalatest.time.{ Millis, Seconds, Span }
import play.api.ApplicationLoader.Context
import play.api.libs.json._
Expand All @@ -14,6 +15,8 @@ import play.api.test.Helpers._

class JobRunControllerTest extends PlaySpec with OneAppPerTestWithComponents[MockApiComponents] with ScalaFutures with GivenWhenThen with BeforeAndAfter {

implicit val defaultPatience = PatienceConfig(timeout = Span(5, Seconds), interval = Span(500, Millis))

"POST /jobs/{id}/runs" should {
"create a job run when posting to the runs endpoint" in {
Given("An existing app")
Expand Down
43 changes: 28 additions & 15 deletions ci/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -39,9 +39,14 @@ case class Artifact(path: S3Path, sha1: String) {
def downloadUrl: String = s"$base/${path.bucket}/${path.key}"

val S3_PREFIX = S3Path(
sys.env.getOrElse("S3_BUCKET", ""),
Path(sys.env.getOrElse("S3_PATH" , "/metronome/snapshots")))
* builds = builds, milestones, releases
def s3PathFor(buildLocation: String = "builds") : S3Path = {
sys.env.getOrElse("S3_BUCKET", ""),
Path(sys.env.getOrElse("S3_PATH" , s"/metronome/$buildLocation")))

* Returns AWS S3 client.
Expand All @@ -59,40 +64,48 @@ def doesS3FileExist(path: S3Path): Boolean = {

* Uploads marathon artifacts to the default bucket, using the env var credentials.
* Uploads metronome artifacts to the default bucket, using the env var credentials.
* Upload process creates the sha1 file.
* If file name is on s3, it does NOT upload (these files are big). We cannot
* compare the sha1 sums because they change for each build of the same commit.
* However, our artifact names are unique for each commit.
* @param uploadFile path of the file to be uploaded to S3.
* @param s3path S3 path to upload file to on S3.
* @return Artifact description if it was uploaded. None otherwise.
def archiveArtifact(uploadFile: Path): Option[Artifact] = {
def archiveArtifact(uploadFile: Path, s3path: S3Path): Option[Artifact] = {
// is already uploaded.
if(doesS3FileExist(S3_PREFIX / uploadFile.last)) {
println(s"Skipping File: ${uploadFile.last} already exists on S3 at ${S3_PREFIX / uploadFile.last}")
if(doesS3FileExist(s3path / uploadFile.last)) {
println(s"Skipping File: ${uploadFile.last} already exists on S3 at ${s3path / uploadFile.last}")
} else
Some(uploadFileAndSha(uploadFile, s3path))

* Uploads marathon artifacts to the default bucket, using the env var credentials.
* Uploads metronome artifacts to the default bucket, using the env var credentials.
* Upload process creates the sha1 file
* @param uploadFile path of the file to be uploaded to S3.
* @param s3path S3 path to upload file to on S3.
def uploadFileAndSha(uploadFile: Path): Artifact = {
def uploadFileAndSha(uploadFile: Path, s3path: S3Path): Artifact = {
val shaFile = fileUtil.writeSha1ForFile(uploadFile)

Artifact(S3_PREFIX / uploadFile.last, read(shaFile))
upload(uploadFile, s3path)
println(s"Sha1 for file: ${uploadFile}")
%('cat, shaFile)
upload(shaFile, s3path)
Artifact(s3path / uploadFile.last, read(shaFile))

* Uploads file to default bucket.
def upload(file: Path): Unit = {
uploadFileToS3(file, S3_PREFIX / file.last)
def upload(file: Path, s3path: S3Path): Unit = {
uploadFileToS3(file, s3path / file.last)

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114 changes: 76 additions & 38 deletions ci/pipeline
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,46 +18,48 @@ import $file.utils
val PACKAGE_DIR: Path = pwd / 'target / 'universal

* Compile Metronome and run unit and integration tests followed by scapegoat.
* Compile Metronome and run unit.
def compileAndTest(): Unit = utils.stage("Compile and Test") {
def compileAndTest(logFileName: String): Unit = utils.stage("Compile and Test") {

def run(cmd: String *) = utils.runWithTimeout(1.hour)(cmd)
def run(cmd: String *) = utils.runWithTimeout(1.hour, logFileName)(cmd)

run("sbt", "clean", "test")


def zipSandboxLogs(): Unit = {
Try(%("tar", "-zcf", "sandboxes.tar.gz", "sandboxes"))
def checkSystemIntegrationTests(logFileName: String): Unit = {
def run(cmd: String *) = utils.runWithTimeout(30.minutes, logFileName)(cmd)
run("flake8", "--count", "--max-line-length=120", "tests/system")

* Upload Metronome tgz tarballs and its cha1 checksum to S3.
* Compresses sandboxes and logs.
* @return Artifact description if it was uploaded.
* @param logFileName Name of log file.
def uploadTarballToS3(): Option[awsClient.Artifact] = utils.stage("Upload Packages") {
import scala.collection.breakOut

PACKAGE_DIR.toIO.listFiles.filter(f => f.getName.endsWith(".tgz"))
.headOption.flatMap(file => awsClient.archiveArtifact(Path(file)))
def zipSandboxLogs(logFileName: String = "ci.log"): Unit = {
println(s"zipping file: $logFileName")
Try(%("tar", "-zcf", s"$logFileName.tar.gz", "--remove-files", logFileName))

* Packages Metronome and uploads its artifacts alongside sha1 checksum to S3.
* Upload Metronome tgz tarballs and its sha1 checksum to S3.
* @return Version and artifact description of Metronome build.
* @param version The version to upload.
* @param buildLocation subfolder location to upload tarball to. Example: "builds", "release"
* @return Artifact description if it was uploaded.
def createAndUploadPackages(): (String, Option[awsClient.Artifact]) = {
val version = createPackages()
val artifact = uploadTarballToS3()
def uploadTarballToS3(version: String, buildLocation: String): Option[awsClient.Artifact] = utils.stage("Upload Packages") {
import scala.collection.breakOut

(version, artifact)
PACKAGE_DIR.toIO.listFiles.filter(f => f.getName.endsWith(".tgz"))
.headOption.flatMap(file => awsClient.archiveArtifact(Path(file), awsClient.s3PathFor(buildLocation)))

Expand All @@ -69,32 +71,31 @@ def createAndUploadPackages(): (String, Option[awsClient.Artifact]) = {
def createPackages(): String = utils.stage("Package") {
val result = %%('sbt, "universal:packageZipTarball", "version")

// Regex is for version:
// starting with random chars, match $number$dot$number$dot$number followed by optional alpha numberic chars plus `-`
// ending with random characters
// we need to regex this string because we do have colored output in the `sbt version` command
val VersionLineRegex = "^.*(\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+[-A-Za-z\\d]+).*$".r
val versionLineRegex = "^.*(\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+).*$".r

// Nothing is what it seems. This is a poor man's way to extract the version
// from sbt's console output until we run our Ammonite scripts in sbt.

val version = result.out.lines.last match {
case VersionLineRegex(v) => v
case versionLineRegex(v) => v
case _ =>
val commit = %%('git, "log", "--pretty=format:%h", "-n1").out.lines.last
s"unkown version in commit $commit"
s"unknown version in commit $commit"
println(s"Built tarballs for Metronome $version.")

* Create Docker, rpm and deb packages.
* While 'sbt, "docker:publishLocal" will create a docker. The project is NOT setup
* properly (proper naming "mesosphere/metronome") nor do we currently support metronome
* in the universe.
def createDocker(): Unit = utils.stage("Package Docker Image, Debian and RedHat Packages") {
%('sbt, "docker:publishLocal")

* The pipeline target for GitHub pull request builds. It wraps other targets
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -122,17 +123,16 @@ def asPullRequest(run: => (String, Option[awsClient.Artifact])): Unit = {
* @return Version and artifact description of Metronome build.
def run(): (String, Option[awsClient.Artifact]) = {
def build(): String = {

val logFileName = s"ci-${sys.env.getOrElse("BUILD_TAG", "run")}.log"
try {
} finally {
zipSandboxLogs() // Try to archive logs in any case
zipSandboxLogs(logFileName) // Try to archive logs in any case

val (version, maybeArtifact) = createAndUploadPackages()

(version, maybeArtifact)
val version = createPackages()

Expand All @@ -143,8 +143,46 @@ def run(): (String, Option[awsClient.Artifact]) = {
def jenkins(): Unit = {
if(utils.isPullRequest) {
asPullRequest { run() }
asPullRequest {
val version = build()
// Uploads
val artifact = uploadTarballToS3(version, "builds")
(version, artifact)
} else {
val version = build()
uploadTarballToS3(version, "builds")

* Executes the Community Release which includes:
* 1. tarball with version details
* Unlike the marathon build, the version details are currently expected to be
* in the metronome project. When a rev sha is provided for the build, the version
* of that build will be checked against the requestedVersion number. It will fail
* the build if the version does not match. However this has the potential of
* being more error prone in that multiple commits could build the same version. So
* the build will also fail if the S3 location is currently occupied by a version build.
* Human cleanup of release folder is required in order to rebuild a version.
* @param requestVersion The version attempting to be released 0.3.0
* @param gitSha The git commit sha. This can be shorthand (ex. 0e1)
def release(requestVersion: String, gitSha: String): Unit = {

val tagVersion = s"v$requestVersion"

println(s"Releasing version: $requestVersion")
%('git, "checkout", gitSha)

val version = build()
if(version != requestVersion) {
throw new IllegalStateException(s"Build version: $version does NOT match requested version: $requestVersion")

uploadTarballToS3(version, s"releases/$version")

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