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Mule Magento Cloud Connector

Mule Cloud connector to Magento


The connector can either be installed for all applications running within the Mule instance or can be setup to be used for a single application.

All Applications

Download the connector from the link above and place the resulting jar file in /lib/user directory of the Mule installation folder.

Single Application

To make the connector available only to single application then place it in the lib directory of the application otherwise if using Maven to compile and deploy your application the following can be done:

Add the connector's maven repo to your pom.xml:

        <name>MuleForge Snapshot Repository</name>

Add the connector as a dependency to your project. This can be done by adding the following under the dependencies element in the pom.xml file of the application:



You can configure the connector as follows:

<magento:config username="value" password="value" address="value"/>

Here is detailed list of all the configuration attributes:

attribute description optional default value
name Give a name to this configuration so it can be later referenced by config-ref. yes
username no
password no
address no

Add Order Shipment Comment

Adds a comment to the shipment.


         sendEmail="true" />
attribute description optional default value possible values
config-ref Specify which configuration to use for this invocation yes
shipmentId the shipment's increment id no
comment the comment to add no
sendEmail if an email must be sent after shipment creation yes false
includeCommentInEmail if the comment must be sent in the email yes false

Add Order Shipment Track

Adds a new tracking number


         trackId="#[map-payload:trackId]" />
attribute description optional default value possible values
config-ref Specify which configuration to use for this invocation yes
shipmentId the shipment id no
carrierCode the new track's carrier code no
title the new track's title no
trackId no

Returns new track's id

Cancel Order

Cancels an order


attribute description optional default value possible values
config-ref Specify which configuration to use for this invocation yes
orderId the order to cancel no

Create Order Shipment

Creates a shipment for order


             <magento:itemsQuantity key="#[map-payload:orderItemId1]" value="#[map-payload:Quantity1]"/>
             <magento:itemsQuantity key="#[map-payload:orderItemId2]" value="#[map-payload:Quantity2]"/>
attribute description optional default value possible values
config-ref Specify which configuration to use for this invocation yes
orderId the order increment id no
itemsQuantities a map containing an entry per each (orderItemId, quantity) pair no
comment an optional comment yes
sendEmail if an email must be sent after shipment creation yes false
includeCommentInEmail if the comment must be sent in the email yes false

Returns new shipment's id

Get Order

Answers the order properties for the given orderId


  <magento:get-order orderId="#[map-payload:orderId]" />
attribute description optional default value possible values
config-ref Specify which configuration to use for this invocation yes
orderId the order whose properties to fetch no

Returns string-object map of order properties

Get Order Invoice

Retrieves order invoice information


       <magento:get-order-invoice invoiceId="#[map-payload:invoiceId]"  />
attribute description optional default value possible values
config-ref Specify which configuration to use for this invocation yes
invoiceId the target invoiceId no

Returns invoice attributes

Get Order Shipment Carriers

Creates an invoice for the given order


  <magento:get-order-shipment-carriers  orderId="#[map-payload:orderId]"  />
attribute description optional default value possible values
config-ref Specify which configuration to use for this invocation yes
orderId the target order id no

Returns new invoice's id

Get Order Shipment

Adds a comment to the given order's invoice


            shipmentId="#[map-payload:orderShipmentId]" /> 
attribute description optional default value possible values
config-ref Specify which configuration to use for this invocation yes
shipmentId no

Hold Order

Puts order on hold. This operation can be reverted with unholdOrder.


  <magento:hold-order orderId="#[map-payload:orderId]"/>
attribute description optional default value possible values
config-ref Specify which configuration to use for this invocation yes
orderId the order to put on hold state no

List Orders

Lists order attributes that match the given filtering expression.


filter="gt(subtotal, #[map-payload:minSubtotal])"/>
attribute description optional default value possible values
config-ref Specify which configuration to use for this invocation yes
filter optional filtering expression - one or more comma-separated unary or binary predicates, one for each filter, in the form filterType(attributeName, value), for binary filters or filterType(attributeName), for unary filters, where filterType is istrue, isfalse or any of the Magento standard filters. Non-numeric values need to be escaped using simple quotes. yes

Returns list of string-object maps

List Orders Invoices

Lists order invoices that match the given filtering expression


 <magento:list-orders-invoices filter="notnull(parent_id)" />
attribute description optional default value possible values
config-ref Specify which configuration to use for this invocation yes
filter optional filtering expression - one or more comma-separated unary or binary predicates, one for each filter, in the form filterType(attributeName, value), for binary filters or filterType(attributeName), for unary filters, where filterType is istrue, isfalse or any of the Magento standard filters. Non-numeric values need to be escaped using simple quotes. yes

Returns of string-object maps order attributes

List Orders Shipments

Lists order shipment atrributes that match the given optional filtering expression


 <magento:list-orders-shipments filter="null(parent_id)" />
attribute description optional default value possible values
config-ref Specify which configuration to use for this invocation yes
filter optional filtering expression - one or more comma-separated unary or binary predicates, one for each filter, in the form filterType(attributeName, value), for binary filters or filterType(attributeName), for unary filters, where filterType is istrue, isfalse or any of the Magento standard filters. Non-numeric values need to be escaped using simple quotes. yes

Returns of string-object map order shipments attributes

Delete Order Shipment Track

Deletes the given track of the given order's shipment

<magento:delete-order-shipment-track shipmentId="#[map-payload:shipmentId]" trackId="#[map-payload:trackId]" />

attribute description optional default value possible values
config-ref Specify which configuration to use for this invocation yes
shipmentId the target shipment id no
trackId the id of the track to delete no

Add Order Comment

Adds a comment to the given order id

             comment="#[map-payload:comment]" />
attribute description optional default value possible values
config-ref Specify which configuration to use for this invocation yes
orderId the order id no
status the comment status no
comment the comment no
sendEmail if an email must be sent after shipment creation yes false

Unhold Order

Releases order


  <magento:unhold-order orderId="#[map-payload:orderId]" />
attribute description optional default value possible values
config-ref Specify which configuration to use for this invocation yes
orderId the id of the order to remove from hold state no

Create Order Invoice

Creates an invoice for the given order

attribute description optional default value possible values
config-ref Specify which configuration to use for this invocation yes
orderId no
itemsQuantities a map containing an entry per each (orderItemId, quantity) pair no
comment an optional comment yes
sendEmail if an email must be sent after shipment creation yes false
includeCommentInEmail if the comment must be sent in the email yes false

Returns new invoice's id

Add Order Invoice Comment

Adds a comment to the given order's invoice


attribute description optional default value possible values
config-ref Specify which configuration to use for this invocation yes
invoiceId the invoice id no
comment the comment to add no
sendEmail if an email must be sent after shipment creation yes false
includeCommentInEmail if the comment must be sent in the email yes false

Capture Order Invoice

Captures and invoice


  <magento:capture-order-invoice invoiceId="#[map-payload:invoiceId]"  />
attribute description optional default value possible values
config-ref Specify which configuration to use for this invocation yes
invoiceId the invoice to capture no

Void Order Invoice

Voids an invoice


  <magento:void-order-invoice invoiceId="#[map-payload:invoiceId]"/>
attribute description optional default value possible values
config-ref Specify which configuration to use for this invocation yes
invoiceId the invoice id no

Cancel Order Invoice

Cancels an order's invoice


  <magento:cancel-order-invoice invoiceId="#[map-payload:invoiceId]"  />
attribute description optional default value possible values
config-ref Specify which configuration to use for this invocation yes
invoiceId the invoice id no

Create Customer Address

Creates a new address for the given customer using the given address attributes

 <magento:create-customer-address customerId="#[map-payload:customerId]"  >
           <magento:attributes >
             <magento:attribute key="city_code" value="#[map-payload:cityCode]"/>
attribute description optional default value possible values
config-ref Specify which configuration to use for this invocation yes
customerId the customer no
attributes the address attributes no

Returns new customer address id

Create Customer

Creates a customer with the given attributes


             <magento:attributes >
               <magento:attribute key="email" value="#[map-payload:email]"/>
               <magento:attribute key="firstname" value="#[map-payload:firstname]"/>
               <magento:attribute key="lastname" value="#[map-payload:lastname]"/>
                <magento:attribute key="password" value="#[map-payload:password]"/>
attribute description optional default value possible values
config-ref Specify which configuration to use for this invocation yes
attributes the attributes of the new customer no

Returns new customer id

Delete Customer

Deletes a customer given its id


 <magento:delete-customer customerId="#[map-payload:customerId]" />
attribute description optional default value possible values
config-ref Specify which configuration to use for this invocation yes
customerId the customer to delete no

Delete Customer Address

Deletes a Customer Address


 <magento:delete-customer-address addressId="#[map-payload:addressId]" />
attribute description optional default value possible values
config-ref Specify which configuration to use for this invocation yes
addressId no

Get Customer

Answers customer attributes for the given id. Only the selected attributes are retrieved


 <magento:get-customer  customerId="#[map-payload:customerId]"  >
             <magento:attributeName>customer_last_name </magento:attributeName>
attribute description optional default value possible values
config-ref Specify which configuration to use for this invocation yes
customerId no
attributeNames the attributes to retrieve. Not empty no

Returns attributes map

Get Customer Address

Answers the customer address attributes


 <magento:get-customer-address  addressId="#[map-payload:addressId]"/>
attribute description optional default value possible values
config-ref Specify which configuration to use for this invocation yes
addressId no

Returns customer address attributes map

List Customer Addresses

Lists the customer address for a given customer id


  <magento:list-customer-addresses customerId="#[map-payload:customerAddresses]" />
attribute description optional default value possible values
config-ref Specify which configuration to use for this invocation yes
customerId the id of the customer no

Returns listing of addresses

List Customer Groups

Lists all the customer groups


 <magento:list-customer-groups />
attribute description optional default value possible values
config-ref Specify which configuration to use for this invocation yes

Returns listing of groups attributes

List Customers

Answers a list of customer attributes for the given filter expression.


 <magento:list-customers filter="gteq(customer_age, #[map-payload:minCustomerAge])" />
attribute description optional default value possible values
config-ref Specify which configuration to use for this invocation yes
filter optional filtering expression - one or more comma-separated unary or binary predicates, one for each filter, in the form filterType(attributeName, value), for binary filters or filterType(attributeName), for unary filters, where filterType is istrue, isfalse or any of the Magento standard filters. Non-numeric values need to be escaped using simple quotes. yes

Returns list of attributes map

Update Customer

Updates the given customer attributes, for the given customer id. Password can not be updated using this method


 <magento:update-customer customerId="#[map-payload:customerId]">
              <magento:attribute key="lastname" value="#[map-payload:lastname]"/>
attribute description optional default value possible values
config-ref Specify which configuration to use for this invocation yes
customerId the target customer to update no
attributes the attributes map no

Update Customer Address

Updates the given map of customer address attributes, for the given customer address


 <magento:update-customer-address addressId="#[map-payload:addressId]">
              <magento:attribute key="street" value="#[map-payload:street]"/>
              <magento:attribute key="region" value="#[map-payload:region]"/>
attribute description optional default value possible values
config-ref Specify which configuration to use for this invocation yes
addressId the customer address to update no
attributes the address attributes to update no

List Stock Items

Retrieve stock data by product ids


 <magento:list-stock-items >
attribute description optional default value possible values
config-ref Specify which configuration to use for this invocation yes
productIdOrSkus a not empty list of product ids or skus whose attributes to list no

Returns list of stock items attributes

Update Stock Item

Update product stock data given its id or sku


  <magento:update-stock-item productIdOrSku="#[map-payload:productIdOrSku]">
              <magento:attribute key="qty" value="#[map-payload:quantity]"/>
attribute description optional default value possible values
config-ref Specify which configuration to use for this invocation yes
productIdOrSku the product id or sku of the product to update no
attributes no

List Directory Countries

Answers the list of countries Example:

attribute description optional default value possible values
config-ref Specify which configuration to use for this invocation yes

Returns collection of countries attributes

List Directory Regions

Answers a list of regions for the given county Example:

 <magento:list-directory-regions countryId="#[map-payload:countryId]"/>
attribute description optional default value possible values
config-ref Specify which configuration to use for this invocation yes
countryId the country code, in ISO2 or ISO3 format no

Returns collection of regions attributes

Add Product Link

Links two products, given its source and destination productIdOrSku. Example:

  <magento:add-product-link type="#[map-payload:type]"     
attribute description optional default value possible values
config-ref Specify which configuration to use for this invocation yes
type the product type no
productId the id of the source product. Use it instead of productIdOrSku in case you are sure the source product identifier is a product id yes
productSku the sku of the source product. Use it instead of productIdOrSku in case you are sure the source product identifier is a product sku yes
productIdOrSku the id or sku of the source product. yes
linkedProductIdOrSku the destination product id or sku. no
attributes the link attributes yes

Create Product Attribute Media

Creates a new product media. See catalog-product-attribute-media-create SOAP method. Example:

          <magento:attribute key="label" value="#[map-payload:label]"/>
          <magento:attribute key="position" value="#[map-payload:position]"/>
attribute description optional default value possible values
config-ref Specify which configuration to use for this invocation yes
productId the id of the product. Use it instead of productIdOrSku in case you are sure the product identifier is a product id yes
productSku the sku of the product. Use it instead of productIdOrSku in case you are sure the product identifier is a product sku yes
productIdOrSku the id or sku of the product. yes
attributes the media attributes yes
storeViewIdOrCode the id or code of the target store. Left unspecified for using current store yes
content the image to upload. It may be a file, an input stream or a byte array no
mimeType the mimetype no JPEG, GIF, PNG
baseFileName the base name of the new remote image yes

Returns new image filename

Delete Product Attribute Media

Removes a product image. See catalog-product-attribute-media-remove SOAP method. Example:

attribute description optional default value possible values
config-ref Specify which configuration to use for this invocation yes
productId the id of the product. Use it instead of productIdOrSku in case you are sure the product identifier is a product id yes
productSku the sku of the product. Use it instead of productIdOrSku in case you are sure the product identifier is a product sku yes
productIdOrSku the id or sku of the product. yes
fileName the remote media file to delete no

Delete Product Link

Deletes a product's link.


attribute description optional default value possible values
config-ref Specify which configuration to use for this invocation yes
type link type no
productId the id of the source product. Use it instead of productIdOrSku in case you are sure the source product identifier is a product id yes
productSku the sku of the source product. Use it instead of productIdOrSku in case you are sure the source product identifier is a product sku yes
productIdOrSku the id or sku of the source product. yes
linkedProductIdOrSku no

Get Product Attribute Media

Lists linked products to the given product and for the given link type. Example:

attribute description optional default value possible values
config-ref Specify which configuration to use for this invocation yes
productId the id of the product. Use it instead of productIdOrSku in case you are sure the product identifier is a product id yes
productSku the sku of the product. Use it instead of productIdOrSku in case you are sure the product identifier is a product sku yes
productIdOrSku the id or sku of the product. yes
fileName no
storeViewIdOrCode yes

Returns list of links to the product

Get Catalog Current Store View

Answers the current default catalog store view id for this session

attribute description optional default value possible values
config-ref Specify which configuration to use for this invocation yes

Returns current default store view id

Update Category Attribute Store View

Set the default catalog store view for this session

attribute description optional default value possible values
config-ref Specify which configuration to use for this invocation yes
storeViewIdOrCode the id or code of the target store. Left unspecified for using current store the id or code of the store view to set as default for this session no

List Category Attributes

Retrieve product image types. See catalog-product-attribute-media-types SOAP method.


 <magento:list-category-attributes setId="#[map-payload:setId]"/>
attribute description optional default value possible values
config-ref Specify which configuration to use for this invocation yes

Returns list of category attributes

List Category Attribute Options

Retrieves attribute options. See catalog-category-attribute-options SOAP method.


 <magento:list-category-attributes-options attributeId="#[map-payload:attributeId]"/>
attribute description optional default value possible values
config-ref Specify which configuration to use for this invocation yes
attributeId the target attribute whose options will be retrieved no
storeViewIdOrCode the id or code of the target store. Left unspecified for using current store yes

Returns list of category attribute options

List Product Attribute Media

Retrieves product image list. See catalog-product-attribute-media-list SOAP method Example:

attribute description optional default value possible values
config-ref Specify which configuration to use for this invocation yes
productId the id of the product. Use it instead of productIdOrSku in case you are sure the product identifier is a product id yes
productSku the sku of the product. Use it instead of productIdOrSku in case you are sure the product identifier is a product sku yes
productIdOrSku the id or sku of the product. yes
storeViewIdOrCode the id or code of the target store. Left unspecified for using current store yes

Returns list of product images attributes

List Product Attribute Media Types

Retrieve product image types. See catalog-product-attribute-media-types SOAP method.


 <magento:list-product-attribute-media-types setId="#[map-payload:setId]"/>
attribute description optional default value possible values
config-ref Specify which configuration to use for this invocation yes
setId the setId no

Returns list of attribute media types

List Product Attribute Options

Answers the product attribute options. See catalog-product-attribute-options SOAP method.


 <magento:list-product-attribute-options attributeId="#[map-payload:attributeId]"/>
attribute description optional default value possible values
config-ref Specify which configuration to use for this invocation yes
attributeId the target attribute whose options will be listed no
storeViewIdOrCode the id or code of the target store. Left unspecified for using current store yes

Returns attributes list

List Product Attributes

Retrieves product attributes list. See catalog-product-attribute-list SOAP methods


 <magento:list-product-attributes setId="#[map-payload:setId]"/>
attribute description optional default value possible values
config-ref Specify which configuration to use for this invocation yes
setId no

Returns list of product attributes

List Product Attribute Sets

Retrieves product attribute sets. See catalog-product-attribute-set-list SOAP method.


attribute description optional default value possible values
config-ref Specify which configuration to use for this invocation yes

Returns list of product attributes sets

List Product Attribute Tier Prices

Retrieve product tier prices. See catalog-product-attribute-tier-price-info SOAP Method. Example:

 <magento:list-product-attribute-tier-prices productIdOrSku="#[map-payload:productIdOrSku]"/>
attribute description optional default value possible values
config-ref Specify which configuration to use for this invocation yes
productId the id of the product. Use it instead of productIdOrSku in case you are sure the product identifier is a product id yes
productSku the sku of the product. Use it instead of productIdOrSku in case you are sure the product identifier is a product sku yes
productIdOrSku the id or sku of the product. yes

Returns list of product attributes

List Product Link

Lists linked products to the given product and for the given link type

attribute description optional default value possible values
config-ref Specify which configuration to use for this invocation yes
type the link type no
productId the id of the product. Use it instead of productIdOrSku in case you are sure the product identifier is a product id yes
productSku the sku of the product. Use it instead of productIdOrSku in case you are sure the product identifier is a product sku yes
productIdOrSku the id or sku of the product. yes

Returns list of links to the product

List Product Link Attributes

Lists all the attributes for the given product link type


 <magento:list-product-link-attributes type="#[map-payload:type]" />
attribute description optional default value possible values
config-ref Specify which configuration to use for this invocation yes
type the product type no

Returns listing of product attributes

List Product Link Types

Answers product link types Example:

 <magento:list-product-link-types />
attribute description optional default value possible values
config-ref Specify which configuration to use for this invocation yes

Returns list of product link types

List Product Types

Answers product types. See catalog-product-type-list SOAP method Example:

 <magento:list-product-types />
attribute description optional default value possible values
config-ref Specify which configuration to use for this invocation yes

Returns list of product types

Update Product Attribute Media

Updates product media. See catalog-product-attribute-media-update Example:

 <magento:update-product-attribute-media fileName="#[map-payload:fileName]" productId="#[map-payload:productId]">
             <magento:attribute key="label" value="#[map-payload:label]"/>
attribute description optional default value possible values
config-ref Specify which configuration to use for this invocation yes
productId the id of the product. Use it instead of productIdOrSku in case you are sure the product identifier is a product id yes
productSku the sku of the product. Use it instead of productIdOrSku in case you are sure the product identifier is a product sku yes
productIdOrSku the id or sku of the product. yes
fileName the name of the remote media file to update no
attributes no
storeViewIdOrCode the id or code of the target store. Left unspecified for using current store yes

Update Product Attribute Tier Price

Updates a single product tier price. See catalog-product-attribute-tier-price-update SOAP method.


         <magento:attribute key="price" value="#[map-payload:price]"/>
         <magento:attribute key="qty" value="#[map-payload:quantity]"/>
         <magento:attribute key="website" value="#[map-payload:website]"/>
         <magento:attribute key="customer_group_id" value="#[map-payload:customerGroupId]"/>
attribute description optional default value possible values
config-ref Specify which configuration to use for this invocation yes
productId the id of the product. Use it instead of productIdOrSku in case you are sure the product identifier is a product id yes
productSku the sku of the product. Use it instead of productIdOrSku in case you are sure the product identifier is a product sku yes
productIdOrSku the id or sku of the product. yes
attributes the tier price to update. no

Update Product Link

Update product link Example:

 <magento:update-product-link type="#[map-payload:type]" productId="#[map-payload:productId]"
             <magento:attribute key="qty" value="#[map-payload:qty]"/>
attribute description optional default value possible values
config-ref Specify which configuration to use for this invocation yes
type the link type no
productId the id of the source product. Use it instead of productIdOrSku in case you are sure the source product identifier is a product id yes
productSku the sku of the source product. Use it instead of productIdOrSku in case you are sure the source product identifier is a product sku yes
productIdOrSku the id or sku of the source product. yes
linkedProductIdOrSku the destination product id or sku. no
attributes the link attributes no

List Category Products

Lists product of a given category. See catalog-category-assignedProducts SOAP method.

 <magento:list-category-products  categoryId="#[map-payload:categoryId]"/>
attribute description optional default value possible values
config-ref Specify which configuration to use for this invocation yes
categoryId the category no

Returns listing of category products

Add Category Product

Assign product to category. See catalog-category-assignProduct SOAP method

attribute description optional default value possible values
config-ref Specify which configuration to use for this invocation yes
categoryId the category where the given product will be added no
productId the id of the product. Use it instead of productIdOrSku in case you are sure the product identifier is a product id yes
productSku the sku of the product. Use it instead of productIdOrSku in case you are sure the product identifier is a product sku yes
productIdOrSku the id or sku of the product. yes
position no

Create Category

Creates a new category. See catalog-category-create SOAP method.

attribute description optional default value possible values
config-ref Specify which configuration to use for this invocation yes
parentId the parent category id no
attributes the new category attributes no
storeViewIdOrCode the id or code of the target store. Left unspecified for using current store yes

Returns new category id

Delete Category

Deletes a category. See catalog-category-delete SOAP method Example:

 <magento:delete-category categoryId="#[map-payload:categoryId]"/>
attribute description optional default value possible values
config-ref Specify which configuration to use for this invocation yes
categoryId the category to delete no

Get Category

Answers category attributes. See catalog-category-info SOAP method. Example:

 <magento:get-category categoryId="#[map-payload:categoryId]"/>
attribute description optional default value possible values
config-ref Specify which configuration to use for this invocation yes
categoryId the category whose attributes will be retrieved no
storeViewIdOrCode the id or code of the target store. Left unspecified for using current store yes
attributeNames the category attributes that will be retrieved no

Returns category attributes

List Category Levels

Answers levels of categories for a website, store view and parent category Example:

attribute description optional default value possible values
config-ref Specify which configuration to use for this invocation yes
website yes
storeViewIdOrCode the id or code of the target store. Left unspecified for using current store yes
parentCategoryId the parent category of the categories that will be listed yes

Returns list of categories attributes

Move Category

Move category in tree. See catalog-category-move SOAP method. Please make sure that you are not moving category to any of its own children. There are no extra checks to prevent doing it through webservices API, and you won’t be able to fix this from admin interface then .


 <magento:move-category categoryId="#[map-payload:categoryId]" parentId="#[map-payload:afterId]"/> 
attribute description optional default value possible values
config-ref Specify which configuration to use for this invocation yes
categoryId the id of the category to be moved no
parentId the new parent category id no
afterId an optional category id for use as reference in the positioning of the moved category yes

Delete Category Product

Remove a product assignment. See catalog-category-removeProduct SOAP method. Example:

attribute description optional default value possible values
config-ref Specify which configuration to use for this invocation yes
categoryId the category to delete no
productId the id of the product. Use it instead of productIdOrSku in case you are sure the product identifier is a product id yes
productSku the sku of the product. Use it instead of productIdOrSku in case you are sure the product identifier is a product sku yes
productIdOrSku the id or sku of the product. yes

Get Category Tree

Answers the category tree. See catalog-category-tree SOAP method.

attribute description optional default value possible values
config-ref Specify which configuration to use for this invocation yes
parentId no
storeViewIdOrCode the id or code of the target store. Left unspecified for using current store yes

Returns category tree attributes

Update Category

Updates a category. See catalog-category-update SOAP method


 <magento:update-category categoryId="#[map-payload:categoryId]" />  
             <magento:attribute key="name" value="#[map-payload:categoryName]"/>
attribute description optional default value possible values
config-ref Specify which configuration to use for this invocation yes
categoryId the category to update no
attributes the category new attributes no
storeViewIdOrCode the id or code of the target store. Left unspecified for using current store yes

Update Category Product

Updates a category product


attribute description optional default value possible values
config-ref Specify which configuration to use for this invocation yes
categoryId the category id no
productId the id of the product. Use it instead of productIdOrSku in case you are sure the product identifier is a product id yes
productSku the sku of the product. Use it instead of productIdOrSku in case you are sure the product identifier is a product sku yes
productIdOrSku the id or sku of the product. yes
position the category position for ordering the category inside its level no

List Inventory Stock Items

Lists inventory stock items. Example:

 <magento:list-inventory-stock-items >
attribute description optional default value possible values
config-ref Specify which configuration to use for this invocation yes
productIdOrSkus no

Returns list of attributes

Update Inventory Stock Item

Updates an stock inventory item

  <magento:update-product-inventory-stock-item  productIdOrSku="#[map-payload:productIdOrSku]">
             <magento:attribute key="qty" value="#[map-payload:quantity]"/>
attribute description optional default value possible values
config-ref Specify which configuration to use for this invocation yes
productId the id of the product. Use it instead of productIdOrSku in case you are sure the product identifier is a product id yes
productSku the sku of the product. Use it instead of productIdOrSku in case you are sure the product identifier is a product sku yes
productIdOrSku the id or sku of the product. yes
attributes the new attributes of the stock item no

Create Product

Creates a new product


 <magento:create-product set="4" sku="78962" type="simple"/>
attribute description optional default value possible values
config-ref Specify which configuration to use for this invocation yes
type the new product's type no
set the new product's set no
sku the new product's sku no
attributes the attributes of the new product yes
storeViewIdOrCode the id or code of the target store. Left unspecified for using current store yes

Returns new product's id

Delete Product

Deletes a product. See catalog-product-delete SOAP method.


 <magento:delete-product productId="#[map-payload:productId]" />
attribute description optional default value possible values
config-ref Specify which configuration to use for this invocation yes
productId the id of the product. Use it instead of productIdOrSku in case you are sure the product identifier is a product id yes
productSku the sku of the product. Use it instead of productIdOrSku in case you are sure the product identifier is a product sku yes
productIdOrSku the id or sku of the product. yes

Get Product Special Price

Answers a product special price. See catalog-product-getSpecialPrice SOAP method.


 <magento:get-product-special-price productId="#[map-payload:productId]"/>
attribute description optional default value possible values
config-ref Specify which configuration to use for this invocation yes
productId the id of the product. Use it instead of productIdOrSku in case you are sure the product identifier is a product id yes
productSku the sku of the product. Use it instead of productIdOrSku in case you are sure the product identifier is a product sku yes
productIdOrSku the id or sku of the product. yes
storeViewIdOrCode the id or code of the target store. Left unspecified for using current store yes

Returns product special price attributes

Get Product

Answers a product's specified attributes. At least one of attributNames or additionalAttributeNames must be non null and non empty. See catalog-product-info SOAP method

   <magento:get-product  productIdOrSku="#[map-payload:productIdOrSku]" storeViewIdOrCode="#[map-payload:storeViewIdOrCode]">
attribute description optional default value possible values
config-ref Specify which configuration to use for this invocation yes
productId the id of the product. Use it instead of productIdOrSku in case you are sure the product identifier is a product id yes
productSku the sku of the product. Use it instead of productIdOrSku in case you are sure the product identifier is a product sku yes
productIdOrSku the id or sku of the product. yes
storeViewIdOrCode the id or code of the target store. Left unspecified for using current store yes
attributesNames yes
additionalAttributeNames the list of non standard attributes to be returned in the additionalAttributes attribute yes

Returns attributes

List Products

Retrieve products list by filters. See catalog-product-list SOAP method.


attribute description optional default value possible values
config-ref Specify which configuration to use for this invocation yes
filter optional filtering expression - one or more comma-separated unary or binary predicates, one for each filter, in the form filterType(attributeName, value), for binary filters or filterType(attributeName), for unary filters, where filterType is istrue, isfalse or any of the Magento standard filters. Non-numeric values need to be escaped using simple quotes. yes
storeViewIdOrCode the id or code of the target store. Left unspecified for using current store yes

Returns list of product attributes that match the given optional filtering expression

Update Product Special Price

Sets a product special price. See catalog-product-setSpecialPrice SOAP method


 <magento:update-product-special-price specialPrice="#[variable:session:specialPrice]" productId="#[variable:session:productId]"/>
attribute description optional default value possible values
config-ref Specify which configuration to use for this invocation yes
productId the id of the product. Use it instead of productIdOrSku in case you are sure the product identifier is a product id yes
productSku the sku of the product. Use it instead of productIdOrSku in case you are sure the product identifier is a product sku yes
productIdOrSku the id or sku of the product. yes
specialPrice the special price to set no
fromDate optional start date of the special price period yes
toDate optional end date of the special price period yes
storeViewIdOrCode the id or code of the target store. Left unspecified for using current store yes

Update Product

Updates a product. See catalog-category-updateProduct SOAP method Example:

 <magento:update-product productIdOrSku="#[map-payload:productIdOrSku]">
             <magento:attribute key="name" value="#[map-payload:name]"/>
attribute description optional default value possible values
config-ref Specify which configuration to use for this invocation yes
productId the id of the product. Use it instead of productIdOrSku in case you are sure the product identifier is a product id yes
productSku the sku of the product. Use it instead of productIdOrSku in case you are sure the product identifier is a product sku yes
productIdOrSku the id or sku of the product. yes
attributes the not empty map of product attributes to update no
storeViewIdOrCode the id or code of the target store. Left unspecified for using current store yes


Mule Cloud Connector for Magento







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