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The client show the method of how to KTV funtion base on Agora SDK. This open source include 2 project folders: Broadcast side AgoraShareVideoBroadcasting: project folder is AgoraShareVideo_ijkplayer Audience side AgoraShareVideoAudience: project folder is AgoraShareVideoAudience
First, create a developer account at Agora.io, and obtain an App ID. Update "ViewController.m" with your App ID. (2 projects need add appid follows the same step as below)
[AgoraRtcEngineKit sharedEngineWithAppId:@"<#APP_ID#>" delegate:self]
Next, download the Agora Video SDK from Agora.io SDK. Unzip the downloaded SDK package and copy the libs/AgoraRtcEngineKit.framework to the "AgoraShareVideo_ijkplayer/AgoraShareVideo_ijkplayer" folder in project, copy the libs/AgoraRtcEngineKit.framework to the "AgoraShareVideoAudience/AgoraShareVideoAudience" folder in project .
Finally, Open AgoraShareVideo_ijkplayer, AgoraShareVideoAudience.xcodeproj connect your iPhone/iPad device, setup your development signing and run.
- Run AgoraShareVideo_ijkplayer.xcodeproj create a room.
- Run AgoraShareVideoAudience join the same room.
- two people joining the same room.
- XCode 8.0 +
- Real devices (iPhone or iPad)
- iOS simulator is NOT supported
- You can find full API document at Document Center
- You can file bugs about this demo at issue
The MIT License (MIT).