30 small apks around 10-20Mb not >30
no time to do this shit
most annoying thing 32bit users knew it xd
in order to remove that warning either build it from source or replace that string with empty space of same character length
- extract apktool.jar using jar command
- use xxd/hexdump to find offset of that string
- use dd command for editing #note (exact offset needed otherwise consequences will be bad)
- rebuild
- Remove Ads
- Bypass In-app purchase
- Apktool
Day 1
Resistor Color Code Calculator
- Decompile the apk
- Use grep for searching stuffs
- Any text editor in my case i used vim coz its cool.
- using sed & awk is optional
- Modify the code
- Recompile
For this apk got some interesting stuffs from resource.arsc
res/values/strings.xml: Premium User its corresponding hex Id 0x7f0e009b
grep -ir 0x7f0e009b tmp --color
Method 1
- change boolean to TRUE by replacing move-result v3 to const/4 v3, 0x1
Method 2
- goto com/jedemm/resistorcalculator/App$a
replace sget-boolean to sput-boolean and add const/4 v0, 0x1 below .locals 1*
Recompile it using apktool
- com/aefyr/sai/billing/DonationStatus.smali
- com/aefyr/sai/ui/fragments/PreferencesFragment.smali
nothing in resource.arsc instead found donated3 in smali*
goto smali_classes2/com/silentlexx/ffmpeggui/config/Config.smali
- search for string donated3 using vim regex
- either change boolean false to true in getBool method or in getDonated method by changing move-result to const/4 and set it to true*
- recompile it
For signing use Uber-apk-signer but Google play protect warns.
instead you may use my keystore to sign apk to stop Google play protect warnings
instead you may use my keystore to sign apk to stop Google play protect warnings
- smali/com/smokyink/smokyinklibrary/pro/licence/DefaultFeatureManager.smali
- change nez to eqz. Samething can be achieved by removing condition
- recompile
Decompile the apk
search for this toast msg
find its id
search and change it
grep -r 0x7f1200fc --color
- before decompile, remove framework apk to avoid unnecessary problems
## SecretKey: 6120e6224d4127aee7d0b1f6a2d77d6e
## Mode: CBC
## KeySize: 256
## IV: 750e579bbdec194f