Local notifications can be used to encourage players to return to a game.
Unlike Remote notifications that are scheduled and delivered from a server and typically have a slower cadence, local notifications are scheduled on the client and can therefore be used for scenarios with more immediate requirements.
This tutorial demonstrates how to use deltaDNA player segments and Event Triggered Campaigns to remotely control the precise targeting and timing of local notifications. You can trigger notifications to be delivered within a few minutes of the player triggering an action in the game. This tutorial applies to iOS and Android devices.
- Unity Mobile Notifications 1.4.2 https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.mobile.notifications@1.4/manual/index.html
- Unity DeltaDNA SDK https://github.com/deltaDNA/unity-sdk/releases
You will learn how to:
- Go beyond slower cadence of remote push notifications using the power of local notifications.
- Trigger notifications as little as few minutes after an action based on event triggered campaigns
Please note, this tutorial covers two very specific scenarios.
Please refer to the documentation and samples for deltaDNA and the Unity Local Notifications package for further information.
This tutorial demonstrates:
- Basics of local notifications
- A local notification triggered by the player completing the first mission in the game.
- A local notification triggered 1 minute after the player backgrounds or exits the game.
There are 3 distinct phases for each local notification:
- Setup : The game producer creates the local notification and its targeting criteria on the deltaDNA platform
- Gameplay : The player launches the game, plays and triggers the event criteria that result in the notification being scheduled locally
- Notify : The local notification is delivered at the scheduled time and the player launches the game from it
The scenarios in this tutorial use events generated during gameplay to schedule new local notifications.
The standard missionCompleted event will be used in the first scenario to schedule a local notification when the player completes missionID equal to 1
Two custom events, gamePaused & gameResumed have been added to the game, they will be used in the second scenario to schedule a notification when the player quits or backgrounds the game.
void OnApplicationPause(bool pauseStatus)
// Record a gamePaused or gameResumed event based on the pauseStatus
string eventName = pauseStatus == true ? "gamePaused" : "gameResumed";
// Take Note - The DDNA SDK is started on Awake(), not on Start()
// as OnApplicationPause() occurs before Start()
A new custom event called localNotification is used to generate reporting on the scheduling of local notifications by individual players.
It contains the following game parameters to provide reporting on which local notifications each player is viewing.
- localNotifTitle - The title used for the local notification
- localNotifDesc - Description used for the local notification
- localNotifTime - The time offset from triggering the notification to delivery
There are also parameters to identify which campaign the local notification belongs to and any player cohort information if the campaign was an AB Test.
An Engage In-Game "Game Parameter" action needs to be created for each local notification. It contains game parameters with values that will be used to instruct the game client on the notification content and scheduling time offset from the point that it is triggered. time is in minutes in this example
- localNotifTitle - The title used for the local notification
- localNotifDesc - Description used for the local notification
- localNotifTime - The time offset from triggering the notification to delivery
- notificationId - A unique ID that will be used to identify the notification
There are also parameters to identify which campaign the local notification belongs to and any player cohort information if the campaign was an AB Test, these parameters are simply passed back through to the localNotification reporting event.
As their name suggests, Event Triggered Campaigns use the events that your player is generating whilst playing to trigger a campaign that performs an action in the game client immediately.
A payload containing all criteria and content for all Event Triggered Campaigns that the player may be elligible for is downloaded by the SDK at the start of each session. It can be reloaded periodiaclly during these session by calling the DDNA.Instance.RequestSessionConfiguration()
SDK method.
The Game Parameter Actions you create are used to instruct the game code to perform some action. The Game Parameters within the action contain the details used to instruct the game to show an local notification. Your game will need to contain some code to recognize and act correctly when it receives these parameters.
The Event Triggered Campaign setup flow uses a wizard to guide you through the configuration steps
A local notification will be scheduled for delivery 1 minute after the player records a missionCompleted event with the missionID equal to 1
Target Segment/Audience in this scenario we are targeting All players
Trigger where in the game this campaign will activate, missionCompleted event, missionID equal to 1
We will send the game parameter action for the notifcations
A local notification will be scheduled for delivery 1 minute after the player exits or backgrounds the game, based on the gamePaused custom event.
Target Segment/Audience in this scenario we are targeting All players
Trigger where in the game this campaign will activate, gamePaused event
We will send the Local Notification, Power Restored Game Parameters action for the notifcation
Two additional Event Triggered Campaigns and corresponding Game Parameter Actions have been created to Cancel each scheduled notification if the player records a specific event that indicates that the notification is no longer relevant.
In each case the Game Parameter action contains 2 game Parameters that are used by the game client to delete the specific notification.
- notificationId corresponds to the unique notificationId specified in the scheduled notification and ensures that the correct notfication is cancelled.
- localNotifTitle contains the value CANCEL, this value is used to instruct the game client to cancel the specified notification.
Is cancelled if the player records a missionCompleted event with missionID equal to 2
Is cancelled if the player records a gameResumed event.
These are the main snippets of code for a full comprehensive on mobile notifcations feel free to check out the code in github
Register the game parameter handler
void Start()
DDNA.Instance.Settings.DefaultGameParameterHandler = new GameParametersHandler(gameParameters =>
// do something with the game parameters
Game handler to handle the campaign send
private void myGameParameterHandler(Dictionary<string, object> gameParameters)
// Generic Game Parameter Handler
Debug.Log("Received game parameters from Engage campaign: " + DeltaDNA.MiniJSON.Json.Serialize(gameParameters));
// Catch Game parameters that control local notifications
if (gameParameters.ContainsKey("localNotifTitle"))
The following code snippet is used to schedule the local notification and send a local notification reporting event.
public void SendDDNANotification(Dictionary<string, object> gameParameters)
//Prepare the unity mobile notificaitons
notificationID = Convert.ToInt32(gameParameters["notificationId"]); //SET notification Id else comment this line to let the packagage generate one
var notification = new AndroidNotification();
notification.IntentData = "{\"campaignId\": \"id 1\", \"campaignName\": \"name\",\"notificationId\": \"id 1\",}";
notification.SmallIcon = "my_custom_icon_id";
notification.LargeIcon = "my_custom_large_icon_id";
notification.Title = gameParameters["localNotifTitle"].ToString();
notification.Text = gameParameters["localNotifDesc"].ToString();
notification.FireTime = System.DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(Convert.ToDouble(gameParameters["localNotifTime"]));
//Send the notification with unity mobile notifications
AndroidNotificationCenter.SendNotificationWithExplicitID(notification, "channel_id", notificationID);
var notification = new iOSNotification();
System.DateTime date = System.DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(Convert.ToDouble(gameParameters["localNotifTime"]));
notification.Identifier = notificationID.ToString();
notification.Title = gameParameters["localNotifTitle"].ToString();
notification.Body = gameParameters["localNotifDesc"].ToString();
notification.Trigger = notification.Trigger = new iOSNotificationCalendarTrigger
Year = date.Year,
Month = date.Month,
Day = date.Day,
Hour = date.Hour,
Minute = date.Minute,
Second = date.Second
//Send the notification with unity mobile notifications
Debug.Log("Sceduled Notification");
//Record the event for reporting services
GameEvent localNotifications = new GameEvent("localNotifications");
localNotifications.AddParam("notificationId", Convert.ToInt32(gameParameters["notificationId"]));
localNotifications.AddParam("campaignId", Convert.ToInt32(gameParameters["campaignId"]));
localNotifications.AddParam("campaignName", gameParameters["campaignName"].ToString());
localNotifications.AddParam("cohortId", Convert.ToInt32(gameParameters["cohortId"]));
localNotifications.AddParam("cohortName", gameParameters["cohortName"].ToString());
localNotifications.AddParam("communicationSender", "Unity Mobile Notifications");
localNotifications.AddParam("communicationState", "SENT");
localNotifications.AddParam("localNotifTitle", notification.Title);
localNotifications.AddParam("localNotifDesc", notification.Body);
localNotifications.AddParam("localNotifDesc", notification.Text);
localNotifications.AddParam("localNotifTime", Convert.ToInt32(gameParameters["localNotifTime"]));
// Record the missionStarted event event with some event parameters.
The following code is used to cancel a previously scheduled local notification
public void CancelScheduledNotification(int notifId)
var notificationStatus = AndroidNotificationCenter.CheckScheduledNotificationStatus(notifId);
if (notificationStatus == NotificationStatus.Scheduled)
// Cancel the scheduled notification.
txtStatus.text = "Android Notification Cancelled " + notifId.ToString();
var scheduledNotifications = iOSNotificationCenter.GetScheduledNotifications();
foreach (iOSNotification n in scheduledNotifications)
if (n.Identifier == notifId.ToString())
txtStatus.text = "IOS Notification Cancelled " + notifId.ToString();