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ReportGenerator converts coverage reports generated by OpenCover, dotCover, Visual Studio, NCover, Cobertura, JaCoCo, Clover, gcov or lcov into human readable reports in various formats.


- name: Setup .NET Core # Required to execute ReportGenerator
  uses: actions/setup-dotnet@v1
    dotnet-version: 6.0.101

- name: ReportGenerator
  uses: danielpalme/ReportGenerator-GitHub-Action@5.0.3
    reports: 'coverage.xml' # REQUIRED # The coverage reports that should be parsed (separated by semicolon). Globbing is supported.
    targetdir: 'coveragereport' # REQUIRED # The directory where the generated report should be saved.
    reporttypes: 'HtmlInline;Cobertura' # The output formats and scope (separated by semicolon) Values: Badges, Clover, Cobertura, CsvSummary, Html, HtmlChart, HtmlInline, HtmlInline_AzurePipelines, HtmlInline_AzurePipelines_Dark, HtmlSummary, JsonSummary, Latex, LatexSummary, lcov, MarkdownSummary, MHtml, PngChart, SonarQube, TeamCitySummary, TextSummary, Xml, XmlSummary
    sourcedirs: '' # Optional directories which contain the corresponding source code (separated by semicolon). The source directories are used if coverage report contains classes without path information.
    historydir: '' # Optional directory for storing persistent coverage information. Can be used in future reports to show coverage evolution.
    plugins: '' # Optional plugin files for custom reports or custom history storage (separated by semicolon).
    assemblyfilters: '+*' # Optional list of assemblies that should be included or excluded in the report. Exclusion filters take precedence over inclusion filters. Wildcards are allowed.
    classfilters: '+*' # Optional list of classes that should be included or excluded in the report. Exclusion filters take precedence over inclusion filters. Wildcards are allowed.
    filefilters: '+*' # Optional list of files that should be included or excluded in the report. Exclusion filters take precedence over inclusion filters. Wildcards are allowed.
    verbosity: 'Info' # The verbosity level of the log messages. Values: Verbose, Info, Warning, Error, Off
    title: '' # Optional title.
    tag: '${{ github.run_number }}_${{ github.run_id }}' # Optional tag or build version.
    customSettings: '' # Optional custom settings (separated by semicolon). See:
    toolpath: 'reportgeneratortool' # Default directory for installing the dotnet tool.

- name: Upload coverage report artifact
  uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2.2.3
    name: CoverageReport # Artifact name        
    path: coveragereport # Directory containing files to upload


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