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Arian Treffer edited this page Jun 10, 2016 · 2 revisions

Package Structure

  • db/api defines database connection, syntax, statement, and result set interfaces
    • a syntax defines how to convert structured input into a string
    • a connection creates statements that accept syntax input
    • a statement can be submitted to obtain a result set
  • db/request defines request composer and template interfaces and provides default implementations
    • a template is an immutable super-set of possible queries
      • consists of multiple layers, each handling different aspects of the query, such as filter conditions or materialization
    • a composer describes how to build a concrete query from a template
  • map/entity allows to create objects from result set rows
  • map/graph allows to cache objects by their ID
  • map/request provides templates for requests that return objects instead of result sets
  • set/dsl provides foundation for high-level query interface
  • at/model provides reader for JPA annotations
  • sql/syntax defines the SQL syntax as interface and provides ANSI SQL implementation
  • sql/request provides templates for SQL statements
  • sql/map merges sql/request and map/request
  • sql/set provides high-level interface for mapped SQL queries
  • ext/jdbc provides JDBC connection
  • ext/mysql, hana implement SQL dialects, respectively
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