ONVIF multi device client NVC (Network Video Client) and PVR (Personal Video Recorder) . It shows and record multiple ONVIF cameras using RTSP over UDP or TCP. Tested on Linux, should work easily on others OS's.
- OpenCV Library. Tested on version 3.4.1. Should work with any version greater than 2.
- On UDP mode needs the ffmpeg library.
- make
- ./OnvifPVR configFile.txt
- ./OnvifPVR IP
- Look for the IP of ONVIF cameras on local network.
- ./OnvifPVR rtsp://@ udp
- Runs OnvifPVR for just one camera, udp if the the stream is udp.
The actual version requires the rtsp link, if is to save or not, and if is udp or tcp. See this sample: https://github.com/derzu/ONVIF-PVR/blob/master/config.txt