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Oak is an implementation of the Elm architecture in Purescript.

bower install purescript-oak

This library requires the virtual-dom module. You can get it by using npm to install virtual-dom.

npm install virtual-dom

Documentation is published on pursuit.

A breif example Oak app:

module Main (main) where

import Prelude

import Control.Monad.Eff
import Control.Monad.Eff.Exception

import Oak
import Oak.Html ( Html, div, text, button )
import Oak.Html.Events
import Oak.Document
import Oak.Cmd

type Model =
  { number :: Int

data Msg
  = Inc
  | Dec

view :: Model -> Html Msg
view model =
  div []
    [ button [ onClick Inc ] [ text "+" ]
    , div [] [ text model.number ]
    , button [ onClick Dec ] [ text "-" ]

next :: Msg -> Model -> Cmd () Msg
next _ _ = none

update :: Msg -> Model -> Model
update Inc model =
  model { number = model.number + 1 }
update Dec model =
  model { number = model.number - 1 }

init :: Model
init =
  { number: 0

app :: App () Model Msg
app = createApp
  { init: init
  , view: view
  , update: update
  , next: next

main :: Eff (exception :: EXCEPTION, dom :: DOM) Unit
main = do
  rootNode <- runApp app
  container <- getElementById "app"
  appendChildNode container rootNode


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  • PureScript 93.1%
  • JavaScript 6.8%
  • HTML 0.1%