A) HTML Structure - top It's based on Boostrap 5 framework grid. It's ULTRA RESPONSIVE!!. The item comes with SASS files for the primary styles. B) CSS Files Structure and basic modfication - top The css files are inside the css folder (not minified and minified versions included) .To modify colors, typografy, button style ecc....find the realtive comment line in style.css. We reccomend to apply every changes in css/custom.css in order to makes future updates easly to apply. Below how the main style file is organized: 1. SITE STRUCTURE - 1.0 Icons - 1.1 Typography - 1.2 Buttons - 1.3 Structure - 1.4 Navigation - 1.5 Top banner - 1.6 Owl Carousel - 1.7 Mobile Menu 2. CONTENT - 2.1 Home - 2.2 General Listing 3. COMMON - 3.1 Owl Carousel Custom Nav - 3.2 Misc - 3.3 Spacing - 3.4 Sing In Modal - 3.5 Modal popup - 3.6 Pagination - 3.7 Footer - 3.8 Magnific Popup CSS
Design by Developer Naimul