These programs were put together by L4TTiCe to suggest edits or poit out mistakes please contact L4TTice via email or file an issue.
This repostory contains Java Programs coded for ISC Examination 2017's Computer Science Practical File and were coded in Jetbrains IntelliJ IDE.
This repo contains programs for
1. Circular Prime
2. Fascinating number
3. Grey code generation
4. Mobius function
5. Binary operations
6. Combination printing
7. Equaling two numbers
8. Finding day for the date
9. Calendar of a month
10. Encryption
11. Paragraph analyzing
12. Swapping vowels
13. Arranging in alphabetical order
14. Counting consonants and vowels
15. Display word starting and ending with vowel
16. Special String
17. Pendulum array
18. Rotate matrix by 900
19. Wondrous matrix
20. Sparse matrix
21. Fire array
22. Diagonal printing
23. Checking special number using function
24. Removing duplicate element from an array
25. Cyclic number and string using method overloading
26. Calculating PF and gratuity using inheritance
27. Library management
28. Banking
29. Resort management
30. Tree traversal