Releases: dieterich-lab/JACUSA2
Releases · dieterich-lab/JACUSA2
- Added new Insertion counting - accessible via "-"
- Typos
v2.0.2 (TESTING)
- Fixed VCF output (-v V)
v 2.0.1
- Fixed Exception in BaseSubs
- Fixed Version
v 2.0.0
v2.0.0 Removed not needed code. Adjusted gitignore.
JACUSA2.0.0 RC22
- fixed simultaneous insertion and deletion calling
JACUSA2.0.0 RC21
- Fixed calcPvalue
- Fixed minor Typos
Need to be used as JAVA library
JACUSA 2.x for Collaboration Partner (Sch)
- removed LRT
- removed StatisticCalculatorOption
- JAR md5sum 91e46e7a5f9b1fb06adc51c9ca2dedb8