geo analysis script for data collected by the USVs
LSA's USVs use Atlas Scientific's water quality sensor kit and water depth obtained from a Lowrance Elite 5-TI side-scanner. These data is typically saved in ROSbags and post-processed with the scripts presented in this repository.
This repository uses a three-step flow to analyse the collected data:
- Step 1) extract the the original rosbag the important data using script;
- Step 2) the resulting rosbag from Step 1 is executed with to generate ROS-independent data files. This is step is required because ROS only supports Python 2.x, while most modern plotting tools are currently supporting only Python 3.x;
- Step 3) the resulting Pandas file from the previous step is processed with to generate Folium-based maps with the data colleted by the USV
Requires ROS Kinetic and Ubuntu 16.04.
cd ~/ros_catkin_ws/src
git clone
catkin_make -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
source ~/ros_catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
Requires ROS Kinetic and Ubuntu 16.04.
sudo apt-get install python-pandas
sudo apt-get install python-geopandas
sudo apt-get install rospy_message_converter
cd ~/ros_catkin_ws/src
git clone
git clone
catkin_make -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
source ~/ros_catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
This step assumes Ubuntu 16.04 and conda. This step is ROS-independent.
conda create -n geo_env
conda activate geo_env
conda install anaconda-clean
conda install -c conda-forge folium
conda install geopandas
conda install folium
conda install matplotlib
These packages are not required but recommended.
conda install flask
conda install jupyter
./ <source.bag> <generated.bag>
We provide one example rosbag in './data/furg-lake.bag' generated by Step 1.
python -V # must be 2.X to have ROS compatibility
python ./ ./data/furg-lake.bag
conda activate geo_env
python -V # must be 3.X to have plotting tools such as folium
python ./ ./data/furg-lake.bag-df.pkl
firefox ./data/furg-lake.bag-folium.html & # to open the map with the USV data plotted by layers
On Firefox, you will see the following example. Select the Layers of data you want to see.
It also generates basic statistics about the data collected by the USVs
$ python ./data/furg-lake.bag-df.pkl
Condutivity DissolvedOxygen RedoxPotential Temperature pH
count 239.000000 239.000000 239.000000 239.000000 239.000000
mean 302.131380 26.523891 172.234728 27.252251 10.847092
std 5.247477 1.709656 6.145211 0.715696 0.135265
min 290.700012 20.290001 162.600006 25.677999 10.379000
25% 297.949997 26.280001 167.800003 26.721001 10.841000
50% 302.000000 27.000000 171.899994 27.344000 10.886000
75% 306.449997 27.615001 174.500000 27.905500 10.919000
max 311.299988 28.580000 191.000000 28.268999 11.003000
- Make this flow online, allowing to read the data in the map while the USV is navigating. Step 2 can generate data into a socket channel instead of a file.
- Make it read multiples bags at once and merge the Pandas files generated in Step 2 to plot data from all bags in the same chart
- Test the flow with depth data
Author: Alexandre Amory