Python deps:
- astropy (>4)
- numpy (==1.21)
- traceback (opt)
- memory_profiler
To install deps:
pip install -r requirements
python install
python develop (to ve verified)
##Example usage
fit_to_class -s scan_conf/conf.json -p 12 -g 121ON,0OFF,0CAL 20210318-152823-3-20-CEPH_DEC/
-s pipeline configuration file
-p parallel processes working on file parsing
-g geometry NumON,NumOFF,NumCAL, input files has to match the given order
-fd feed to be parsed (optional, default all, to be verified)
-r raw processing without grouping input file by geometry (legacy parameter, non really usefull now)
-t scan type, e.g. OTF,ONOFF.. (legacy parmater not usefull now)
Last argument is the relative folder path with input files
Test example usage:
python -i FitszillaFolder -p 4
-i Input folder
-p How many input files to be processed in parallel
- fit_to_class Folder inside Input Folder, usefull output data at InputFolder/fit_to_class/classfits/class_feed_x
Tested with: Python 3.8.5
#Pipeline configuration file
The converter has an internal pipeline to solve the conversion, each stage might be disabled (mainly for development pourposes), the only case when the conf file comes in handy is when we want to parse an OTF file where we want to avoid calibration when cal data aren't really availabe. In this particular case just set to false the following entries:
"enabled": false
"enabled": false
Another usefull case might be the need of output spectrum measured in COUNTS:
"enabled": false
Summarizing, when we want to have output in COUNTS (with cal available):
"enabled": true
"enabled": true
on the other hand when we need the usual calibrated data:
"enabled": true
"enabled": true
Install Sphinx.
Once Sphinx is installed, run make html
from the fit2class docs
The documentation will be written in docs/build/html
- 0.1 first commit
- 0.1.1 enhanced logging