| Deutsch
Simple installer to create a drive context menu function to lock an unlocked bitlocker encrypted drive in Windows
The installer copies a script to the programs folder and creates the registry key (including sub-keys) in HKCR/Drive/shell/lock-bde
. The latter basically adds the context menu entry if you right-click on an unlocked drive. For the lock function to work, the Windows program manage-bde.exe
needs to be called with elevated rights and it needs to be given the drive letter. Because it is not possible to achieve both things by calling the program from the registry, the (short) script is necessary, which strips the trailing backslash from the drive path (e.g. D:\ becomes D:) and requests the elevated rights.
The installer is localized, supporting German and English at the moment. Adding new languages is very easy. Just download/copy the file en.nsh
, rename it, open it in a text editor, translate the strings and send the file to me.
Download the latest installer and execute it.
Go to your download folder and execute the latest installer. Because it creates the drive context menu via registry keys in HKCR
, the installation requires elevated permissions, so it cannot be installed as a user.
Go to the Windows Control Panel > Programs > Uninstall a program
. There you will find it as Bitlocker Drive Locker - Explorer Context Menu Entry
(or its localized string). Select Uninstall
and all created registry keys and folders will be removed.
The complete source is assembled from text files and is human readable. It basically consists of the main NSIS installer script file including the translations, some documentation and the wrapper script for manage-bde.exe
The installer can be created by downloading and installing the latest Nullsoft Scriptable Install System (NSIS) and using it to compile bdelock.nsi
Even without knowing the detailed NSIS or VBscript syntax, you should be able to understand the source files.
Special credits go to Shawn Brink, who published this howto including a vbscript.
More resources ...
There are more resources to look at. The most popular ones are probably- https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windows/en-US/41607938-7452-440d-8253-67fe8657bc0f/how-to-relock-a-drive-with-bitlocker?forum=w7itprosecurity
- https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_7-performance/hot-to-lock-the-bitlocker-encrypted-drive-without/6ae82827-38ee-46dc-93d2-f5d2888324c2