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Manages the pure-ftpd package with comprehensive configuration support'


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Puppet pureftpd Module

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Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Description
  3. Usage
  4. Limitations
  5. Versioning
  6. Support
  7. See Also


Manages the pure-ftpd package with comprehensive configuration support


This is a puppet module for installation and configuration of the pure-ftpd software package. It aims to support all valid configuration file values.


This module started out as a fork of 5Ub-Z3r0/puppet-pureftpd but has been so heavily redesigned over time that it's probably not reasonable to blame any of the design or implementation on 5Ub-Z3r0. It would also be exceptionally difficult to re-unify the two modules due to fundamental API differences.

The original module was marked as being licensed under GPLv3 in comments and no LICENSE file was present. Very little to none of the original module code remains in the present version of this module. All contributions by Joshua Hoblitt are licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0. You should consult with a lawyer for a legal opinion as to weather or not this module constitutes a derived work.


In general, any valid pure-ftpd configuration file option (including the separate configuration files for auth modules) can be set by creating a key in the appropriate class parameter hash but with the name of the option transliterated to lowercase. The values passed to that option are handled completely as raw strings but this module. No effort is made to handle boolean or integer values as pure-ftpd itself is not consistent in how it handles these values.

For example, if you wanted to create the configuration option example below in the file /etc/pure-ftpd/pure-ftpd.conf:

    ChrootEveryone yes

You would declare it like this to the pureftpd module:

    class { 'pureftpd':
      config => {
        chrooteveryone => 'yes',

The notable exception to that rule is for these pure-ftpd.conf options, which should not need to be manually declared. Passing a hash of configuration options to the appropriate class parameter automatically defines these options for you.


pure-ftpd Options

The pure-ftpd documentation does not provide a canonical list of all possible configuration options with examples. However, there are number of "HOW TO"s on the official documentation web page.

There is a list of command line switches in the distribution's README that should all have pure-ftpd.conf option analogs.

Here are some useful sources for discovering configuration parameters with examples:

Basic Usage

Install the pure-ftpd package with an empty pure-ftpd.conf config file (accepting all defaults) and start pure-ftpd as a stand alone daemon.

    class { 'pureftpd': }

SELinux Support

    class { 'pureftpd':
      use_selinux => true,

Setting Configuration Options

Options for pure-ftpd.conf should be passed into the config class parameter as a hash.

    class { 'pureftpd':
      config => {
        ipv4only                   => 'yes',
        ipv6only                   => 'yes',
        chrooteveryone             => 'yes',
        brokenclientscompatibility => 'no',
        daemonize                  => 'yes',
        verboselog                 => 'no',
        displaydotfiles            => 'yes',
        anonymousonly              => 'no',
        noanonymous                => 'no',
        dontresolve                => 'yes',
        anonymouscancreatedirs     => 'no',
        natmode                    => 'no',
        calluploadscript           => 'yes',
        antiwarez                  => 'yes',
        allowuserfxp               => 'no',
        allowanonymousfxp          => 'no',
        prohibitdotfileswrite      => 'no',
        prohibitdotfilesread       => 'no',
        allowdotfiles              => 'no',
        autorename                 => 'no',
        anonymouscantupload        => 'no',
        logpid                     => 'yes',
        nochmod                    => 'yes',
        keepallfiles               => 'yes',
        createhomedir              => 'yes',
        norename                   => 'yes',
        customerproof              => 'yes',
        notruncate                 => 'yes',
        filesystemcharset          => 'big5',
        clientcharset              => 'big5',
        syslogfacility             => 'ftp',
        fortunesfile               => '/usr/share/fortune/zippy',
        forcepassiveip             => '',
        bind                       => ',21',
        anonymousbandwidth         => '8',
        userbandwidth              => '8',
        trustedip                  => '',
        altlog                     => 'w3c:/var/log/pureftpd.log',
        pidfile                    => '/var/run/',
        tlsciphersuite             => 'HIGH:MEDIUM:+TLSv1:!SSLv2:+SSLv3',
        maxidletime                => '15',
        maxdiskusage               => '99',
        trustedgid                 => '100',
        maxclientsnumber           => '50',
        maxclientsperip            => '8',
        maxload                    => '4',
        minuid                     => '100',
        tls                        => '1',
        limitrecursion             => '10000 8',
        passiveportrange           => '30000 50000',
        anonymousratio             => '1 10',
        userratio                  => '1 10',
        umask                      => '133:022',
        quota                      => '1000:10',
        peruserlimits              => '3:20',
        ldapconfigfile             => '/etc/pureftpd-ldap.conf',
        mysqlconfigfile            => '/etc/pureftpd-mysql.conf',
        pgsqlconfigfile            => '/etc/pureftpd-pgsql.conf',
        puredb                     => '/etc/pureftpd.pdb',
        extauth                    => '/var/run/ftpd.sock',
        unixauthentication         => 'yes',
        pamauthentication          => 'yes',

Enabling LDAP Authentication

Options for pureftpd-ldap.conf should be passed into the config_ldap class parameter as a hash.

    class { 'pureftpd':
      config_ldap => {
        ldapserver      => '',
        ldapauthmethod  => 'PASSWORD',
        ldapport        => '389',
        ldapbinddn      => 'cn=Manager,dc=c9x,dc=org',
        ldapbindpw      => 'r00tPaSsw0rD',
        ldapbasedn      => 'cn=Users,dc=c9x,dc=org',
        ldapfilter      => '(&(objectClass=posixAccount)(uid=\L))',
        ldaphomedir     => 'homeDirectory',
        ldapversion     => '3',
        ldapdefaultuid  => '100',
        ldapdefaultgid  => '100',
        ldapusetls      => 'False',
        ldapauthmethod  => 'PASSWORD',

Enabling MYSQL Authentication

Options for pureftpd-mysql.conf should be passed into the config_mysql class parameter as a hash.

    class { 'pureftpd':
      config_mysql => {
        mysqlserver              => 'localhost'
        mysqlport                => '3306'
        mysqlsocket              => '/tmp/mysql.sock'
        mysqluser                => 'root'
        mysqlpassword            => 'rootpw'
        mysqldatabase            => 'pureftpd'
        mysqlcrypt               => 'cleartext'
        mysqltransactions        => 'On'
        mysqlgetpw               => 'SELECT Password FROM users WHERE User="\L"'
        mysqlgetuid              => 'SELECT Uid FROM users WHERE User="\L"'
        mysqldefaultuid          => '1000'
        mysqlgetgid              => 'SELECT Gid FROM users WHERE User="\L"'
        mysqldefaultgid          => '1000'
        mysqlgetdir              => 'SELECT Dir FROM users WHERE User="\L"'
        mysqlforcetildeexpansion => '0'
        mysqlgetqtafs            => 'SELECT QuotaFiles FROM users WHERE User="\L"'
        mysqlgetqtasz            => 'SELECT QuotaSize FROM users WHERE User="\L"'
        mysqlgetratioul          => 'SELECT ULRatio FROM users WHERE User="\L"'
        mysqlgetratiodl          => 'SELECT DLRatio FROM users WHERE User="\L"'
        mysqlgetbandwidthul      => 'SELECT ULBandwidth FROM users WHERE User="\L"'
        mysqlgetbandwidthdl      => 'SELECT DLBandwidth FROM users WHERE User="\L"'

Enabling PGSQL Authentication

Options for pureftpd-pgsql.conf should be passed into the config_pgsql class parameter as a hash.

    class { 'pureftpd':
      config_pgsql => {
        pgsqlserver         => 'localhost',
        pgsqlport           => '5432',
        pgsqluser           => 'postgres',
        pgsqlpassword       => 'rootpw',
        pgsqldatabase       => 'pureftpd',
        pgsqlcrypt          => 'cleartext',
        pgsqlgetpw          => 'SELECT Password FROM users WHERE User=\'\L\'',
        pgsqlgetuid         => 'SELECT Uid FROM users WHERE User=\'\L\'',
        pgsqldefaultuid     => '1000',
        pgsqlgetgid         => 'SELECT Gid FROM users WHERE User=\'\L\'',
        pgsqldefaultgid     => '1000',
        pgsqlgetdir         => 'SELECT Dir FROM users WHERE User=\'\L\'',
        pgsqlgetqtafs       => 'SELECT QuotaFiles FROM users WHERE User=\'\L\'',
        pgsqlgetqtasz       => 'SELECT QuotaSize FROM users WHERE User=\'\L\'',
        pgsqlgetratioul     => 'SELECT ULRatio FROM users WHERE User=\'\L\'',
        pgsqlgetratiodl     => 'SELECT DLRatio FROM users WHERE User=\'\L\'',
        pgsqlgetbandwidthul => 'SELECT ULBandwidth FROM users WHERE User=\'\L\'',
        pgsqlgetbandwidthdl => 'SELECT DLBandwidth FROM users WHERE User=\'\L\'',

Pedantic Example

    class { 'pureftpd':
      use_selinux  => true,
      config       => {
        ipv4only                   => 'yes',
        ipv6only                   => 'yes',
        chrooteveryone             => 'yes',
        brokenclientscompatibility => 'no',
        daemonize                  => 'yes',
        verboselog                 => 'no',
        displaydotfiles            => 'yes',
        anonymousonly              => 'no',
        noanonymous                => 'no',
        dontresolve                => 'yes',
        anonymouscancreatedirs     => 'no',
        natmode                    => 'no',
        calluploadscript           => 'yes',
        antiwarez                  => 'yes',
        allowuserfxp               => 'no',
        allowanonymousfxp          => 'no',
        prohibitdotfileswrite      => 'no',
        prohibitdotfilesread       => 'no',
        allowdotfiles              => 'no',
        autorename                 => 'no',
        anonymouscantupload        => 'no',
        logpid                     => 'yes',
        nochmod                    => 'yes',
        keepallfiles               => 'yes',
        createhomedir              => 'yes',
        norename                   => 'yes',
        customerproof              => 'yes',
        notruncate                 => 'yes',
        filesystemcharset          => 'big5',
        clientcharset              => 'big5',
        syslogfacility             => 'ftp',
        fortunesfile               => '/usr/share/fortune/zippy',
        forcepassiveip             => '',
        bind                       => ',21',
        anonymousbandwidth         => '8',
        userbandwidth              => '8',
        trustedip                  => '',
        altlog                     => 'w3c:/var/log/pureftpd.log',
        pidfile                    => '/var/run/',
        tlsciphersuite             => 'HIGH:MEDIUM:+TLSv1:!SSLv2:+SSLv3',
        maxidletime                => '15',
        maxdiskusage               => '99',
        trustedgid                 => '100',
        maxclientsnumber           => '50',
        maxclientsperip            => '8',
        maxload                    => '4',
        minuid                     => '100',
        tls                        => '1',
        limitrecursion             => '10000 8',
        passiveportrange           => '30000 50000',
        anonymousratio             => '1 10',
        userratio                  => '1 10',
        umask                      => '133:022',
        quota                      => '1000:10',
        peruserlimits              => '3:20',
        ldapconfigfile             => '/etc/pureftpd-ldap.conf',
        mysqlconfigfile            => '/etc/pureftpd-mysql.conf',
        pgsqlconfigfile            => '/etc/pureftpd-pgsql.conf',
        puredb                     => '/etc/pureftpd.pdb',
        extauth                    => '/var/run/ftpd.sock',
        unixauthentication         => 'yes',
        pamauthentication          => 'yes',
      config_ldap  => {
        ldapserver      => '',
        ldapauthmethod  => 'PASSWORD',
        ldapport        => '389',
        ldapbinddn      => 'cn=Manager,dc=c9x,dc=org',
        ldapbindpw      => 'r00tPaSsw0rD',
        ldapbasedn      => 'cn=Users,dc=c9x,dc=org',
        ldapfilter      => '(&(objectClass=posixAccount)(uid=\L))',
        ldaphomedir     => 'homeDirectory',
        ldapversion     => '3',
        ldapdefaultuid  => '100',
        ldapdefaultgid  => '100',
        ldapusetls      => 'False',
        ldapauthmethod  => 'PASSWORD',
      config_mysql => {
        mysqlserver              => 'localhost'
        mysqlport                => '3306'
        mysqlsocket              => '/tmp/mysql.sock'
        mysqluser                => 'root'
        mysqlpassword            => 'rootpw'
        mysqldatabase            => 'pureftpd'
        mysqlcrypt               => 'cleartext'
        mysqltransactions        => 'On'
        mysqlgetpw               => 'SELECT Password FROM users WHERE User="\L"'
        mysqlgetuid              => 'SELECT Uid FROM users WHERE User="\L"'
        mysqldefaultuid          => '1000'
        mysqlgetgid              => 'SELECT Gid FROM users WHERE User="\L"'
        mysqldefaultgid          => '1000'
        mysqlgetdir              => 'SELECT Dir FROM users WHERE User="\L"'
        mysqlforcetildeexpansion => '0'
        mysqlgetqtafs            => 'SELECT QuotaFiles FROM users WHERE User="\L"'
        mysqlgetqtasz            => 'SELECT QuotaSize FROM users WHERE User="\L"'
        mysqlgetratioul          => 'SELECT ULRatio FROM users WHERE User="\L"'
        mysqlgetratiodl          => 'SELECT DLRatio FROM users WHERE User="\L"'
        mysqlgetbandwidthul      => 'SELECT ULBandwidth FROM users WHERE User="\L"'
        mysqlgetbandwidthdl      => 'SELECT DLBandwidth FROM users WHERE User="\L"'
      config_pgsql => {
        pgsqlserver         => 'localhost',
        pgsqlport           => '5432',
        pgsqluser           => 'postgres',
        pgsqlpassword       => 'rootpw',
        pgsqldatabase       => 'pureftpd',
        pgsqlcrypt          => 'cleartext',
        pgsqlgetpw          => 'SELECT Password FROM users WHERE User=\'\L\'',
        pgsqlgetuid         => 'SELECT Uid FROM users WHERE User=\'\L\'',
        pgsqldefaultuid     => '1000',
        pgsqlgetgid         => 'SELECT Gid FROM users WHERE User=\'\L\'',
        pgsqldefaultgid     => '1000',
        pgsqlgetdir         => 'SELECT Dir FROM users WHERE User=\'\L\'',
        pgsqlgetqtafs       => 'SELECT QuotaFiles FROM users WHERE User=\'\L\'',
        pgsqlgetqtasz       => 'SELECT QuotaSize FROM users WHERE User=\'\L\'',
        pgsqlgetratioul     => 'SELECT ULRatio FROM users WHERE User=\'\L\'',
        pgsqlgetratiodl     => 'SELECT DLRatio FROM users WHERE User=\'\L\'',
        pgsqlgetbandwidthul => 'SELECT ULBandwidth FROM users WHERE User=\'\L\'',
        pgsqlgetbandwidthdl => 'SELECT DLBandwidth FROM users WHERE User=\'\L\'',


At present, this module is only capable of installing the pure-ftpd package and enabling it as a daemonized service. The lack of uninstallation support is probably a bug.

Only support for $::osfamily == 'RedHat' has been implemented. Adding support for other platform should be trivial but needs to involve full up integration testing.

The supported configuration file values were discovered via code inspection of the pure-ftpd v1.0.31 release. There are possibly new configuration values that have been introduced in subsequent releases. Any configuration values present in a stable pure-ftpd release but not supported by this module should be considered a bug.

Tested Platforms

  • el6.x


This module is versioned according to the Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 specification.


Please log tickets and issues at github

See Also


Manages the pure-ftpd package with comprehensive configuration support'







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