tweet-tools is a set of tools for your tweets.
git clone git://
cd tweet-tools
git submodule init
git submodule update
sudo npm link .
I'm not sure about this one...
sudo npm link git://
tweet-backup will save your last 3200 tweets in your Twitter account to a JSON file. It uses Twitter API to fetch tweets.
Available switches are:
- -s yourscreenname, --screen-name=... (you have to use either this or user id switch)
- -u youruserid, --user-id=...
- -p, --pipe (for piping, disabled by default)
- -o outputtype, --output=... (default and right now the only output type is JSON)
- -d, --debug (this will generate a fake JSON file to test tweet-compile)
If your Twitter name is @username then
tweet-backup -s username
This will get generate a JSON file (something like this: tweets_2012-04-23_23-05-14.json
tweet-compile will compile your JSON file and turn it to well formatted HTML file. It uses to Jade template engine to compile.
Available switches are:
- -f, --file
- -t, --template (default is './incl/template.jade' in your tweet-tools folder)
- -o, --output (default is HTML, this is just for prototyping, I didn't add any other output type, so it's only HTML for now.)
- -p, --pipe (for piping the output)
tweet-compile -f tweets_2012-04-23_23-05-14.json
This will generate a HTML file for your JSON file. (something like this: tweets_2012-04-23_23-05-14.html
This is your template for generating HTML files from your JSON files. You can learn how to use it here.
In order to edit the template you may also need to learn the structure of the tweet object. So basically it is like this:
Example tweet object array for @username:
user: { screen_name: 'username', id: 123456789},
text: 'hello twitter!'
The example shown above is a basic structure of a tweet object, If you want learn more stuff about a tweet object, you can read here