Vim-Leader-Mapper is a plugin to create leader key mapping and a visual menu to display them. It's basically a copy of Spacemacs interactive menu, relying on leader key to toggle it.
- Easy to use: the user can simply add his own commands with few setup and map them to leader key.
- Configurable: the user can associate any command (internal or external command).
- Fast: the plugin is very small, written in pure vimL.
It's also inspired from vim-leader-guide but it's simpler and use floating window to display leader menu.
Vim-which-key offers similar features.
Use Vim-Plug or any other plugin manager to install it.
Plug 'dpretet/vim-leader-mapper'
Follows a configuration example, binding regular Vim commands and FZF calls:
" Define the menu content with a Vim dictionary
let g:leaderMenu = {'name': "",
\'f': [":Files", "FZF file search"],
\'b': [":Buffers", "FZF buffer search"],
\'s': [":BLines", "FZF text search into current buffer"],
\'S': [":Lines", "FZF text search across loaded buffers"],
\'g': [":BCommits", "FZF git commits of the current buffer"],
\'G': [":Commits", "FZF git commits of the repository"],
\'v': [':vsplit', 'Split buffer vertically'],
\'h': [':split', 'Split buffer horizontally'],
\'d': [':bd', 'Close buffer'],
\'r': [':so $MYVIMRC', 'Reload vimrc without restarting Vim'],
\'l': [':ls', 'List opened buffers'],
\'t': [':Tags', 'FZF tag search'],
\'o': [':normal gf', 'Open file under cursor'],
Finally to bind leader key to space and toggle the menu on each space pressure:
" Define leader key to space and call vim-leader-mapper
nnoremap <Space> <Nop>
let mapleader = "\<Space>"
nnoremap <silent> <leader> :LeaderMapper "<Space>"<CR>
vnoremap <silent> <leader> :LeaderMapper "<Space>"<CR>
One could want to specify the position of the window. This can be done with two parameters.
To define the vertical placement of the window. Can be top
, bottom
(default is center
let g:leaderMapperPos = "center"
To define the window's width, in percentage of the Vim window (default is
let g:leaderMapperWidth = 70
It's also possible to add submenu binded with a key. Here is an example:
" Define the menu dedicated to FZF
let fzfMenu = {'name': "FZF Menu",
\'f': [":Files", "FZF file search"],
\'b': [":Buffers", "FZF buffer search"],
\'s': [":BLines", "FZF text search into current buffer"],
\'S': [":Lines", "FZF text search across loaded buffers"],
\'g': [":BCommits", "FZF git commits of the current buffer"],
\'G': [":Commits", "FZF git commits of the repository"],
" Define the menu content including the above menu
let g:leaderMenu = {'name': "Global Menu",
\'f': [fzfMenu, "FZF menu"],
\'v': [':vsplit', 'Split buffer vertically'],
\'h': [':split', 'Split buffer horizontally'],
\'d': [':bd', 'Close buffer'],
\'r': [':so $MYVIMRC', 'Reload vimrc without restarting Vim'],
\'l': [':ls', 'List opened buffers'],
\'t': [':Tags', 'FZF tag search'],
\'o': [':normal gf', 'Open file under cursor'],
Pressing 'f' key will open the dedicated menu to FZF.
In case your function/command binded needs to access the lines range of a
visual selection, vim-leader-mapper setup two variables: leaderMapperLineStart
and leaderMapperLineEnd
. These variables are setup to line numbers as long the
plugin is executed. When closing, it will setup them to -1
This plugin is under MIT license. Do whatever you want with it, and don't hesitate to fork it and contribute!