A simple redux reducer generator for managing collections.
import collectionReducer, {itemSelectors, prefixFilter, actionsFilter} from '.';
// Consider a standard reducer for your item's state
const counter = (state = 0, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
return 0;
return state + 1;
return state - 1;
return undefined;
return state;
// ... and the selectors to access the state's data
const counterSelectors = {
get: state => state,
// `collectionReducer` takes a reducer that will be used for each
// element in the collection
// and a filter on which actions to pass
const counterCollection = collectionReducer(
actionsFilter( // pass only these action types
// alternativelly
const counterCollection = collectionReducer(
prefixFilter("COUNTER_") // pass all actions that begin with the given prefix.
// Actions passed to this reducer must include an `id` property.
// If the individual item's reducer returns `undefined` for a given
// action the item is removed from the collection.
// The `id` key can be customized by passing a custom id key as a third argument.
// collectionReducer(reducer, filter [, customId])
// `itemSelectors` transform each selector for use in the collection adding
// an id argument to it.
const selectors = itemSelectors(counterSelectors);
// Instead of accessing an individual item's state using
// you can use the new selector for an item by it's id
selectors.get(state, id);
// `itemSelector` adds a special selector called `allIds` to get an array
// of all item's ids in the collection