Clone the Rails3ActsAsLicensable Engine from GitHub.
git clone git://
In the application using the engine add the following line to the Gemfile (assuming the engine is cloned to the same parent directory as the application):
gem 'rails3_acts_as_licensable', :path => "../rails3_acts_as_licensable"
Again, in application using the engine add the following line before the final ‘end’ in config/routes.rb.
mount Rails3ActsAsLicensable::Engine => "/"
Run the following line from the root directory of the application using the engine, answering yes to any prompted questions.
rails generate rails3_acts_as_licensable
Add the following line inside the class declaration of the model files you want to be licensable.
Then migrate the database.
rake db:migrate
By default this module provides the 6 Creative Commons licenses as describe at as well as the CC0 Public Domain license describe at
If you wish to add additional licenses you will need to edit the rails3_acts_as_licensable.yml file in your application’s config directory before migrating the database. You will also need to edit the appropriate locales files in the application using the engine’s config/locales directory. Currently English and German locales are provided.
By default the license_icon_url helper function in app/helpers/rails3_acts_as_licensable/application_helper.rb provides license icions of the size 88x31 pixels. If you wish to use icoms of a different size you must specify this in the second parameter. Other valid sizes include 80x15 and 88x15, see to see what icon sizes are provided for the licenses you intend to use. For consistency the license_icon_size parameter can be set in the application using the engine’s config/rails3_acts_as_licensable.yml and this will be used by the /licenses and /licenses/:id pages.