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Demo Workshop for leveraging open source tools to deploy and check APIs for quality gates.


Join us as we delve deep into strategies employed by quality focused API development teams. Our exploration will illuminate how to ensure swift feedback loops, quality releases, and continually updated documentation. In this session, we will demonstrate the distinctions between "design first" and "code first" approaches to API development, and how they fit within the API landscape.

We will share a range of tools designed for both methodologies that you can leverage to support consumers and producers at every juncture of the API lifecycle. You will see how to integrate API checkpoints into the CI/CD pipeline, effectively automating feedback to application developers and providing meticulous quality checks.


  • Learn strategies to ensure swift feedback, quality releases, and updated API documentation
  • Discover automated tools to support consumers and producers throughout the API lifecycle

Tools Used:

Generating and running


  • Node.js: Ensure you have Node.js installed on your machine. If not, you can download and install it from here.


Clone the Repository: First, clone the repository to your local machine:

git clone

Navigate to the Project Directory:

cd API-Quality-Lifecycle

Install Dependencies: Now, install the necessary project dependencies using Yarn:

npm install

Generating and Linting the API Spec

Generate Routes and API Specification: The generate script generates routes and the OpenAPI specification. It then formats the generated files for consistency:

npm run generate

Lint the Specification: To ensure the OpenAPI specification adheres to best practices, run the linting script:

npm run lint:spec

Running the Application

Once the API spec is generated and linted, you can start the application:

npm run start

This command will launch the application using ts-node, serving the API as defined in your tsoa configuration. Additional Scripts

Format Codebase: You can ensure code consistency across the codebase using the formatting script:

npm run formatJS

Revalidate: This script is a combination of the generate and lint steps. Useful for a quick validation:

npm run revalidate

generatePostman: creates the postman collection from the OpenAPI Document

npm run generatePostman

Update Postman Collection: If you wish to update the Postman collection based on the OpenAPI specification, run:

npm run updatePostman

Sample Updates

Take a look at some in progress updates to both add the DELETE method and an additional parameter to the POST and PUT methods.


Navigate to the branch

git checkout delete-pet

Run the generate to make the new OpenAPI Document

npm run generate

Check the updates for Quality improvements

npm run lint:spec

Notice any errors? Try adding the annotations to rememdy the errors and then re-run the validation

Specifically look at the PetController and the Pet.ts Model


Take a look at how we can add a new parameter to the POST and PUT methods.

git checkout add-age-to-pets

Run the generate to make the new OpenAPI Document

npm run generate

Check the updates for Quality improvements

npm run lint:spec

Specifically look at the PetController and the Pet.ts Model to see how the parameter was added.